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Rīgā +4 °C
Otrdiena, 14. janvāris
Roberta, Roberts, Raitis, Raits

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Interesanti, ka mirklī kad valdījā "nosacītā sociālo tīklu baumu panika" manā Twitter tinmilee jau viss bija noskaidrots, kas par baumām un cilvēki darbojās tieši pie ziņu izplatīšanas, lai citi neikristu uz šīm muļķīgajām baumāmŠoreiz pat gribētos teikt ka sociālais tīkls twitter bija tas kurš pirmais centās visu vērst par labu un skaidrot cilvēkie, kas notiek patiesībā un to ka uztraukumam nav reāla pamata.
Nu katrā ziņā, manuprāt tas ir viss nācis no augšas, jo nu cilvēks, kas ir priekšnieks uzņēmuma vai vienkārši vadītājs īsti ar tewttir neaizraujas (reti kad tā ir, parasti ir noalgots cilvēks), savukārt draugu,paziņu loks viņam ir nedaudz cits nekā parastajam mirstīgajam tomēr vinš ir uzņēmējs. Vienīgi ilgi meklēju publicēto postu, par cik kolēģes draugu loks portāla ir absolūti atšķirīgs, nespēju to postu atrast, neesmu ari PRO informācijas meklēšana iekš facebook.
Board members alaerlowed to claim expenses for travel and to compensate for time away from home. Expenses have been cut in the last 2 years by about 20%. and while it would be easy. The reality is that political parties control nominations to the VEC and I've always used my position to raise issues relevant to schools. As to the exact spend on administration the secondary system and VEC are different. For instance in Wexford the VEC administers student grants and school transport for all schools. PLC's and night coures are also administered so it would be ahrd to compare from the point of view of VFM even between counties as rural counties would have more school transport. VEC's are not liable to FOI in all aspects for obvious reasonssuch as confidentiality as secondary schools are outside the legislation. I've published my exoenses from the VEC in the last 2 years and they should be on my blog.As a member of the audit committee the Comptroller and Auditor General has full access to all the figures and has done targetted as well as general audits and has never turned up any evidence of what I consider financial overspend in Co WExford VEC. I've often expressed my cyncicism of WSE reports from the dept wesite ever since a coleague told me he'd been contacted by an inspector in relation to how a subject report should be worded. Same inspector subsequently turned up controling a WSE on a Wexford school. What guarantee has anyone got that inspectors are quality themselves?
Great hammer of Thor, that is powerfully heplufl!
Are you interested in a pensoral loan / business? If so, send an email to with the following information so we can move forward:Full name:Country:Phone:Loan Amount Needed:Loan Duration:Purpose of loan:Thank you for your understanding!Email: Greetings ..Mr Hope Luis
Hi, if you have her birth certificate you shluod also have access to her parents' names.You might start by searching (using Google or your favorite search engine) for their full names along with Baltimore or Maryland and seeing if you can find any public records that are available online. You might also search for their names using obit just in case they are no longer living.You can always post their names on this forum and someone will help you. If you are not comfortable doing that, you can email them to me (my email is on my profile) and I will help you look for information about them.Best of luck to you and your Mom!
SAEIMA aizliedza EKSENCI lietot, jo kāda DEPUTĀTA bērns to IEDZĒRA , jo deputāts MOCĪJA Latvijas tautu BADĀ ......un citi to aizliedza LIETOT , bet visi LIETO . Pēc šī GADĪJUMA laikam būs jāliek RESTES logos , lai DEPUTĀTIEM nebūtu jāceļ CIETUMI , jo tauta sola viņus PAKĀRT bērni neiztur BADU un lec lai vieglāk MIRTU ......KAUNS VALDĪBAI !!!!!
badīgajam Oskaram
Ko tu tērē laiku pie datora, ej meklēt darbu! Pārdodi datoru un nopērci maizi! Bet ja esi galīgi stulbs un nekas neveicas -- Rīgā atrodas vairākas zupas virtuves.
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