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Vēl vienā Japānas AES radušās problēmas ar dzesēšanas sistēmu

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CNN ziņo, ka nu arī 3. reaktora ēkai pirmdienas rītā sprādzienā norauts jumts un izsistas ārsienas. Viņu mājas lapā daiļrunīga bilde ...
TEPCO Press Release
Press Release (Mar 13,2011) Impact to TEPCO's Facilities due to Miyagiken-Oki Earthquake (as of 1:00PM) Below is major impact to TEPCO's facilities due to the Miyagiken-Oki Earthquake that occurred yesterday at 2:46PM. *new items are underlined [Nuclear Power Station] Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station: Units 1 to 3: shutdown due to earthquake Units 4 to 6: outage due to regular inspection * The national government has instructed evacuation for those local residents within 20km radius of the site periphery. * The value of radioactive material (iodine, etc) is increasing according to the monitoring car at the site (outside). * Since the amount of radiation at the boundary of the site exceeds the limits, we decide at 4:17PM, Mar 12 and we have reported and/or noticed the government agencies concerned to apply the clause 1 of the Article 15 of the Radiation Disaster Measure at 5PM, Mar 12. After that, the radiation dose at the monitoring post decreased once. Today, the measured value revamped and the radiation dose measured at site boundary exceeded the limiting value again. As such, at 8:56AM, today, it was determined that a specific incident stipulated in article 15, clause 1 occurred and at 09:10AM, today, notified accordingly. * In addition, a vertical earthquake hit the site and big explosion has happened near the Unit 1 and smoke breaks out around 3:36PM, Mar 12th. * Unit 1: We started injection of sea water into the reactor core at 8:20PM, Mar 12 and then boric acid subsequently. * Unit 2: Reactor has been shut down and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System has been injecting water to the reactor. Current reactor water level is lower than normal level, but the water level is steady. After fully securing safety, we are preparing to implement a measure to reduce the pressure of the reactor containment vessels under the instruction of the national government. * Unit 3: High Pressure Coolant Injection System automatically stopped. We endeavored to restart the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System but failed. Also, we could not confirm the water inflow of Emergency Core Cooling System. As such, we decided at 5.10AM, Mar 12, and we reported and/or noticed the government agencies concerned to apply the clause 1 of the Article 15 of the Radiation Disaster Measure at 5:58AM, Mar 13. In order to fully secure safety, we operated the vent valve to reduce the pressure of the reactor containment vessels (partial release of air containing radioactive materials) and completed the procedure at 8:41AM, Mar 13 (successfully completed at 09:20AM, Mar 13). After that, we began injecting water containing boric acid that absorbs neutron into the reactor by the fire pump from 09:25AM, Mar 13. * We continue endeavoring to secure the safety that all we can do and monitoring the periphery. Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station: Units 1 to 4: shutdown due to earthquake * The national government has instructed evacuation for those local residents within 10km radius of the periphery. * At present, we have decided to prepare implementing measures to reduce the pressure of the reactor containment vessel (partial discharge of air containing radioactive materials) in order to fully secure safety. These measures are considered to be implemented in Units 1, 2 and 3 and accordingly, we have reported and/or noticed the government agencies concerned. * Unit 3 has been stopped and being "nuclear reactor cooling hot stop" at 12:15PM. * The operator trapped in the crane operating console of the exhaust stack was transferred to the ground at 5:13PM and confirmed the death at 5:17PM. Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Station: Units 1, 5, 6, 7: normal operation Units 2 to 4: outage due to regular inspection
Tokijà dzivo 36'000'000.
No vācu un austriešu TV : 11 no 55 Japānas kodolreaktoriem ir apstādināti. 6 no 11 ir « kodolkatla » dzesēšanas problēmas. Vienā « kodolkatla degviela » ir sākusi kust, jautajums vai to varēs apturēt. Vienam otram kodolreaktoram varētu eksplodēt ārejā āda 210'000 cilvēki evakuēti no kodolreaktoru apkārtnes.
Ai, es tikko izlasīju, ka Japānā noķerti jau četri radiācijas pārnēsātāji. Vienam bijušas 18 tūkstoši devas, citiem pa 30 un 36 tūkstošiem, bet vāl viens bijis pat ar 100 tūkstošiem radiācijas devu. Un devu skaits samazinājies tikai tad, kad šim palūguši noaut kurpes. Es nezinu, kā es varēšu šonakt mierīgi gulēt, kad uzzināju šīs šausmas! Es iedomājos, kā tāds pārnēsātājs ar savām radiācijas kurpēm mierīgi būtu varējis iekāpt lidmašīnā un atlidot uz Eiropu vai pat Latviju. :(


Pieprasītā sadaļa var saturēt erotiskus materiālus, kuru apskatīšana atļauta tikai pilngadību sasniegušām personām.

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