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Pirmdiena, 21. oktobris
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Zviedru medijs: Armija Stokholmas piekrastē meklē avarējušu krievu zemūdeni

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Vajag meklēt pie krāsaino metālu uzpircējiem...svensoni, paliek svensoni? ...caurs kuģis jau neuzpeld virspusē kā beigta tas ir nennopietni, smieklīgi un jāapraksta karlsona stilā.
to info
tas ir tapec ka niderlandiesi macas krievu valodu....un vispar, amerikani kartejo reizi ir veikusi provokaciju, lai krievus apmelotu. Bet varbut, ka pie visa ir vainigs Labejais sektors. Tas jau tagad esot visur. Bet varbut Latviesu legionari, vai igaunu spiegs ar eiro kabata
Jau noskaidrojās - Nīderlandes zemūdene. Tikai latvijas auditorijai aizmirsa pateikt, te tas nav jaazina
Nekas nenoskaidrojās vēl, to, ka tie ir nīderlandieši saka, krievu Novosti un tas ir viss tavs fakts. Pagājušaja nedēļā pie zviedrijas krastiem notika Nīderlandes flotes mācības, bet tās tika saslaņotas ar Zviedrijas attiecīgajām iestādēm un nīderlandieši apgalvo, ka , ja būtu kādas novirzes no planotā, noteikti tiktu ziņots zviedriem. Bez tam kāpēc lai nīderlandieši raidītu kriptētu signālu krievu valodā uz Kaļiningradu?
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Variacijas par RU preses reakciju
Список официальных заявлений МО и МИД РФ: - никакая подлодка возле Швеции не тонула - это была не российская подлодка - она заблудилась - экипаж был в отпуске - у экипажа случился коллективный обширный инфаркт - вдовы получат компенсации - никакая российская подлодка вообще никогда не тонула - награды найдут героев - семьи подводников получат квартиры в Донецке и Луганске - Затокрымнаш
innsmouth vril-ya
Tie nav krievi ... ... .. tas ir Kthulhu !!!
No RU neatkarigas preses: Bus pagruti. ta ir atomzemudene esot ar specialu parklajumu, vinu loti gruti identificet. Putlers ir devis komandu apkalpei dzivai nepadoties. Kas vel tikai bus....
Veca ziņa
Viņi taču jau ir prom no Zviedrija teritoriālajiem udeņiem, ar visu minizemūdeni. Toties tagad zviedri dzenā vienu vīru taja vietā, kuru redzeja un nofografēja vietējais iedzīvotājs, zviedri doma, ka tas ir no krievu specdienesta un iespējams ir vairaki, kuri tagad bēguļo pa šērām.
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to Vards
Thank you for diskusion, and hard speach :). I soo you diferent person, and I wery much rispekt your posicion ! I,m not angry person :) but somtayms angry my meiks such stupy agresiv (in my opinjon) coments as yours in 16 :02. I hope yo will seksid in your bissnes. Best wiches ! Sory, i have to go !
to Vards
I have 0 !!! interess for your latvian frends :), thats your bisness, simply don,t told my this buch... about democrasy, if you locking for justis ask beter your US and Saudi Barbaria frends hau meny people was killd in words of democrasy last 10 years in Midle Est, Serbia now Ukraina. Angry not my, but it seems my - you, you now noting about Rusian history, about Putin ( I not Putins suporter ! ) and even about Latvian history you now noting, but you streit avey coll Putin as thief, kriminal, mafia... , seim sh... I listen from dobel moral swedish people about latvians, lithuanians ...( norwegians is more tolerant) you must bifo look in miror to your dobel moral, falch smiling parasit feis... and for your dobel moral contry need more self criticism. Yes, my Englich language not perfekt, it,s not my native languge, I,m Latvian I lowe Latvia but not our politics and carent sistem in Latvia. Olmost 6 years I worcking hard as construccion worker in Norway, and if compare wich somalia parasits nobody pay for my language corses, living costs.... I wery optimistic about my life and about future.
About your knowledge of English language you do not have to worry as I have not critizied it, someone else did that. My own knowledge of Latvian is at the moment 0, but I am learning... About political system in Latvia is for the Latvians to decide. You accused my friends and other Latvians for things you know nothing about, not me. If you ask the Norwegians themself, they will tell you that Sweden is a much more tolerant and not at all as nationalistic as the Norwegians. It is just facts and they will tell you that also just as I do. What ever you think about my country I dont care as the article is not about that. You have in all your coments been a pro Putin supporter so be man enbouhg to stand for your own words. Read the history about the CCCP and you will find the truth! It has since long been proven that Putin is just what I have said he is and all the world know it! Why you do not defend democracy is your problem, but think about what that makes you as you provenly choose to live of the same system in other countries that you do not like... Would it not be better that you choose to move to some country that does not support democracy as you do not like it? About me and the country of Latvia: I am currently starting up a business in Latvia that will give 5-6 Latvians good work and salery. I have already choosen some of the people that will work in my company out of my Latvian friends because they are good people. As for people like you, I would never give work to. I am proud and happy to help Latvia with this and also Latvia is happy and welcome me as I am respectful to them and a good person. Sweden aan Latvia are 2 good and friendly countries that support eachother very well, question is still why you are so angy and accuse innocent Latvian people of things you know nothing about? WHat happened in your life that have made you such aggressive and angry person?
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Dimitro Timcuks, noteikti tagad parsteigts, kadu stresu Zviedrija izraisija vina zina.
Informaciju zviedriem sniedzis
ticams avots - dimitro timcuks :), un redz kas sanaca visa zviedru armija sacelta kajas.
Viena aita 17 : 13 :)
"zinu" jau norijusi :):):)
to Vards and Matteas
Will be beter for you, if you go back to yout f... doble moral and falsh smile contry Sweden. And, will be beter for doble moral and falch smile swedich people if you Vards and Matteas finaly will be redy defend doble moral and falch smile contry Sweden of 100000 or more somalia parasits and islamfashists who juse your doble moral contry and soon will f... you and your f... king. Falch smile and liers wil not help you, if you do not see your truth enemies, time runing aut:). Whot about History, go to Upsala University and in Libery you cann finde out hunderts of bursday and Crismas ... carts sendet from Nazy German goverment and her hitler to doble moral Swedich goverment oficials and her hitler gud frend f... king Gustsv V. No Coment !!!
Again you show how little you know! It is very clear that what I wrote is correct, Your actual answer only confirm that I am correct! :-) Btw. I will be going to Latvia in about 2 weeks and I look very much forward to meeting my Latvian friends as we always have so much fun when we meet. :-) It is people like my friends, real Latvians that are proud of their country that make Latvia such a good and friendly country and not aggressive occupants and parasites like yourself! Funny that you complain about the immigration in a country you know nothing about while you yourself are just a occupant and parasite. :-D
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Nav jau pirmā reize kad pazūd krievu zemūdene,labāk lai visi iet bojā nekā krievs atzīsies ka notikusi avārija.
Vai kads uzdeva sev jautajumu ? :)
Kartejo reiz, "zina" izradisies dimitro timcuka vai Sirijas cilvektiesibu observatorijas stila uzpusta pile... bet aitas "zinu". jau bus norijusas:). Aitas :) domajiet:) !
Laikam tad krievu S-363 Karlskronas reidā uz sēkļa 28.10.1981 arī bijā pīle? Nu tad bēēē
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