Laika ziņas
Rīgā +11 °C
Ceturtdiena, 24. oktobris
Renāte, Modrīte, Mudrīte

Dānija atjaunos robežkontroli ar Vāciju un Zviedriju

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Какой PSRS??? Разговор ведётся о выходцах из стран европы....
Each industrial sized pig farm generates refuse that is similar tothat of a little town. Contrary to regulated treatment of human refuse most of it ends up in the Baltic Sea with minimal if any treatment thus polluting it and killing off the remainder of marine life. My suggestion is stop eating industrially farmed pork (and poultry for that matter, too) and consume more vegetables, pulses and locally procured fish and thus help saving the Baltic Sea. Katra taada industriaalaa cuuku ferma sarazho tikpat daudz piesaarnjotu notekuudenju cik neliela pilseeta un atshkjiriibaa no cilveeku radiitajiem notekuudenjiem kurus jaattiira noteiktaa kaartiibaa shie uudenji paarsvaraa neattiiriitaa formaa nonaak Baltijas juuraa nogalinot tor veel atlikusho juuras dziiviibu. Masn ieteikums - nepeerciet industriaali razhoto cukkgalju (arii caalja galju ne), taa vietaa eediet daarzenjus, paakshaugus un vieteeji zvejotas zivis un paliidziet glaabt Baltijas juuru.
Kaada tur atriebiiba. Iet runa par organizeetu noziedziibu ar sakneem bijushajaa PSRS, Rumaanijaa, Bulgaarijaa un bijushajaa Dienvidslaavijaa. Lai to kontroleetu ir pastiprinaati jaakontrolo ienaakoshaa un izejoshaa satiksme un Daanijaa pateicoties gjeograafijai un visai nikni noskanjotajai labeejai koaliicijai tas ir iespeejams. Trakaak ir citur ES kur vai nu robezhu gjeograafiskaas specifikas deelj vai (kas ir vistrakaak) iereednju zemaas profesionaalaas integritaates deelj tas nav iespeejams.
A Dane
A the heck could this discussion end up in something about pig farms....?? I am not sure why, but I am a polite guy, so I will try and answer/resoond to your comments: I come from the countryside, my parents are farmers, and in our region we have a lot of big pig farms. And yes - a couple of times a year the smell is not the best in the world, I agree. Farming pigs today are big business and I guess that some Farmers have just seen the possibilities here in Latvia as well as others see other business possibilities. The fact is that Latvians eat much more pork than they eat beef, and the fact is that Latvia today can not produce enough to cover their own needs for pork. Third fact is that most consumers think with their pockets and do not want to pay for pork from ecological farms or farms where the pigs are held outside. So there is a demand, and some farmers (Danes as well as Latvians) just see a business possibility. It is plain simply actually. And as long as everybody, no matter from DK, LV or CN keeps the laws of EU and LV, I see no problem at all. If you want to get rid of the big conventional farms you should instead buy pork from ecological farms. If the demand is big enough it will be the shops - trust me! RIMI, Maxima, ELVI etc. all have to make money, and if the demand is big enough, it will be in the shops. I would recommend you to start a facebook group, collect signatures or similiar actions and make your demands clear to the big supermarkets chains, and they are not stupid, they will listen to their consumers. Actually in most shops you will find small leaflets you can fill in and hand to the cashier. I have done this myself, and you will actually see that RIMI have a very large selection of ecological products today (not just because of me I guess). Now we just need milk products and meat. Make a facebook group, and I will sign up a s a member at once :-) ! PS. Please dont think that the pigs from the ecological farms will smell less - they wont ;-) But it will be better for you, me, our children and the pigs!
Responsibility - this is something we always expect from others and are reluctant to ask from ourselves... It would be more responsible to build pig farms next to your own houses in Denmark, don't you think?
Iz sazvērestību teorijām - viens izbijis dāņu premjerministrs dikti iekarsis karot tuksnesī, ko, savukārt, neatbalsta Vācija. Rezultāts - sīka atriebība.
Nu , skaidrs, ka Dānijai jāuzmanās no masīvās zviedru kontrabandas un imigrantiem.
tet bumeranga efekts bus tad,kad tagad vienu pec otra kremla sergai piederigos loceklus,ka tadus sunjus kjers ara,Tas ka komunistu banda 20 gadus ir spelejusi teatri par demokratijas temu,tagad jau ari kremla sponsoreto liberalo extremistu apstulbinatajiem rietumniekiem beidzot pielecis.
Tas ir Eiropas savienības sabrukuma sākums.
a latvian
So go an stink the smell! The way betveen Rauna and Cesis! Yuor pigs ar stinking there!
Pilnīgi pareizi. Zinot to, kā dāņi dzīvo un saimnieko savā zemē, tas ir pilnīgi saprotami.
Tak tas tikai sākums. Kaut vai ņemam Latviju tuvākajā perspektīvā. Valsts,kura ar transā iedzītā,samagi aptaurētā postpadomju lumpeņa atbalsu kopš 1991.g. ir uzcelta uz komsomola&kriminala pamatiem un dajāto kabatas temīdu,var tikai ģenerēt noziedzību un lielu noziedzību. Tas taču vēl krutāk par toreizējo PSRS,kad tā puspasauli aizsmirdināja ar savu komuņizmu, kuru vēl tagad civilizētas tautas nevar līdz galam izvēdināt. Tas tās civilizētās ne jau Latvijas tauta,kura tā piesūcināta ar šo smaku,ka jau hroniskā atkarība.
A Dane
In Denmark we have a saying that freedom comes together with responsibility. The bordercontrol is a reaction to the fact that the freedom many "new" countries received in the 90ies unfortunately for some people in these countries means "everything is allowed" instead of "responsibility". Some comments above blame liberalism. I dont think it should since liberalism is all about freedom with responsibility. Though I understand the comments above seeing it in the light of what happend in Latvia in the 90ies. Latvia had won freedsom and the liberal party "Latvijas Cels" were in power for years, but they and their supporters had forgotten one important thing: Responsibility.
Es brinos kur vini ravusi to skaitli, ka 80% noziegumus pastrada baltiesi. cik tad mums to noziedznieku? un vel ir Griekija, Francija, Spanija, Vacija,Irija, Anglija un ta talak... mums nevaretu but tik daudz noziedznieku tiri fiziski, es lasiju pietiek com ka tirgojot latvijas pases pa kreisi un pa labi varbut musu pases pardotas krievijas kriminalistiem masveida?
b bet krievija vel taisas sapnot par bezvizu rezhimu ar ES ..., - stubi !


Pieprasītā sadaļa var saturēt erotiskus materiālus, kuru apskatīšana atļauta tikai pilngadību sasniegušām personām.

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