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Otrdiena, 22. oktobris
Irīda, Īrisa, Airisa

Frīstaila slēpotājs Ozoliņš uzvar Monster Energy Ride in Baltics`13 Igaunijas posmā

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I haven't seen the Dirt Rag article aclaltuy. I'll have to check it out. I had a client come in last week with questions and decided to check in on this post and see where it was, since it's always good for a laugh – still getting lots of traffic! Great for business being a contrarian.It's interesting that when challenged with information, like the Heibert article one poster mentioned, your arguments and intentions get more circumspect and conservative. And these arguments tend to make some sense, as do some of your mentions of the experts you've talked to. I would encourage you to consider, however why these people aren't, as you say, “ready to go as far as (you) have about the need for every rider to spend some time on flats”. But it's not really even that innocuous is it? You routinely take it two steps further, spouting off about the evils of clipless pedals – the mysterious overuse injuries that clips cause and how they “offer no benefit whatsoever” – and the huge industry behind them that you're gamely battling (incidentally I wonder what we'd find if we compared the sizes of the clipless pedal industry and the “weekend fitness expert” seminar industry?).If all you have been doing is “trying to do is bring the other side of the argument to light and give riders “permission” to use them” then your posts and replies wouldn't be as interesting or get as much attention.A few notes:1. I would agree that flats have the ability to help you learn techniques and skills that you otherwise may be unable to learn. I could say the same thing about hard tail bikes, though. Doesn't mean I'm going to proselytize about how everyone on a full suspension bike is feeding into dysfunctional movement patterns.2. I'm sure you do think you have a good understanding of how the foot moves.3. The idea that a foot in a 5.10 shoe on a flat pedal is somehow freer and more “barefoot” is misguided. I do understand why you would want to bandwagon on the term “barefoot” though – good for business. Incidentally, since you have mentioned in the past how stiff-soled, arch-supported clip in shoes prevent the foot from moving, my 5.10 shoes have more (artificial) arch support than my clip in shoes; when on flats my pedal axle is in exactly the same position as when in my clips, and this is something I have been able to repeat over and over for my clients.4. When I mentioned cleat position, I wasn't saying it wasn't important but merely that you won't be able to keep the foot from moving, no matter how stiff your clip-in shoe is or where the cleat is. There is no magical position of the cleat that “locks” foot out and insulates it from moving within the shoe.5. I still have heard nothing to back up the “clipless pedals cause overuse injuries” claim.Don't misunderstand, I have no intention of trying to convince you – so I won't be holding your hand through the infrared data I have. And to be clear again, I have no problem with flat pedals, I just take issue with poorly concluded arguments.“At the heart of this it (sic) my belief that clipless pedals hurt people.”This is a far cry from saying that “you can learn some good technique with flats”, or “cyclists should switch between clips and flats to improve their efficiency”Maybe I'll check back in another year and see if this argument has evolved any. May 22 at 6:42 pm


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