Laika ziņas
Rīgā +5 °C
Pirmdiena, 27. janvāris
Ildze, Ilze, Izolde

Riteņbraucējs Rācenājs uzvar Sāremā velobraucienā 4.posmā

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He actually just had a great post in his blog about his unfnrtuoate timing. He got sick just in time for the big race ! A good read to give some perspective on how to deal with setbacks. My gear bag ??? For single ride outings I would say the couple of things that are unusual would be: 1) spare jersey/short - jersey in case it gets cold or super hot/sweaty, shorts in case a second ride opportunity comes up :) 2) a disposable rain jacket ... saved me a few times3) knee/arm warmers, beanie, rain jacket, vest ... even in summer the weather can change. 4) emergency bar and gel ... just incase away longer then planned, gotta keep recovery on track. 5) 4 spare zip ties and safety pins ... just in case provided ones aren't good or I lose them. Any other good day trip or race day bag inclusions out there ? pg


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Vairāk Jaunumi