Laika ziņas
Rīgā +8 °C
Piektdiena, 25. oktobris
Beāte, Beatrise

Endijs pazuda bez pēdām pēc kādas telefonsarunas

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chali vienkaarshi seedi biksees un neraksti savas vienshunja VERSIJAS.
Ja viņam piezvanīja DUS tātad mobilais. Ja mobilais tātad viņa Nr zināms. Operators visas sarunas ieraksta. Tieas sankcija, operators izdod ko vajag. Tas ir oficiālais ceļš, pat paklusēju par neformālām iespējām. Kur ir problēma uzzināt pēdējo zvanu saturu un zvanītāju Nr.??????
varbūt tā emma
nevaru saprast kā tā vnk var pazust cilvēks? Kāpēc policija neinformē par lietas gaitu?Žēl man gan tā puikas, gan viņa ģimenes. Turās!
skat degpuntu, atrasts buss
ja lojāls Statoil klients, varbuut vareeja paskatiit citu Statoil staciju ierakstus tai dienaa, ieziimeetos vismaz kust virziens.. bet gan jau tas jau darīits mums te joprojām domājas kā tā var pazust cilvēks......
Vai ir kādi jaunumi???
Un rakstā ir minēts ka diena jau rakstija, tā kā ja kāds tik tagad pananija šo info nebkefojiet šeit par info trūkumu bet ja interesē pameklejiet šajā portālā vai citos...
ja kas par cig kontrabandu aizturētais ir 1970 gada dzimis!
to grand total
Paklausies! Ziņas par Endija pazušanu ir izplatītas neskaitāmos portālos, gan viņa foto un apraksts, gan busiņa foto un apraksts ar visiem nr, tas ka tu lauku pāķis tik tagad tiki pie kompīša, izlasiji pēdējo info par pazušanu nenozīme ka citas info nebija! ja tu gribētu palīdzēt, tad neblefotu šeit, bet pameklētu sīkaku info par viņu. Bet tai kura jautāja kas ir E. Dālderis gribu pateikt, ka viņš ir cilvēks kuru meklē tuvinieki, kuri pārdzīvo, kuri izraudājuši visas acis, kuri naktīs neguļ un iemiegot mostas no mazākā trokšņa cerībā ka viņš pārnācis. Jūs visi kas gvelž savas stulbās versijas esat idioti, ja nav ko rakstīt nerakstat vispār, priekškam vajag savus asos vārdus spļaut dvēselē cilvēkiem kuriem jau bez jums ir smagi! Es nevienam nenovēlu pazaudēt sev tuvu cilvēku, bet jums šitā ņirgāšanās nāks atpakaļ... Vienu gan nesaprotu kāpēc joprojām nav noskaidrots kas viņam vai kam viņš zvanija? Tāpat laiku atpakaļ bija minēts ka statoil video viņš nebija redzams, bet tagad noskaidrojās ka tomēr bija, bet labi tas ir sīkumi... Par bāku, neviens nezin cik pilna auto bāka bija, lai te spriedelētu kā var tā un šitā, ja neuzpildijās, tādad īsti vajadzības nebija un pec zvana nolēma uzpildīties vēlāk, jo vēl pietiekami degvielas bija, vai tad tādu iespēju neviens nepieļauj!? Jo normāls cilvēks negaida kad auto noslāps pusceļā, bet gan uzpildās savlaicīgi, pietam ņemot vērā ka priekšā svētki un varbūt grasijās kur braukt... un vēl.. atvainojiet, normāls cilvēks nebrauks projām, pat ja sastrīdējās ar draudzeni, un mēnesi neklusēs, nedodot ziņu par sevi vecākiem, tā kā lūdzam beidziet blefot, labāk savus komentus paturiet pie sevīm...
how to dissapear
How To Disappear Completely And Never Be Found A Step-By-Step Guide To Leaving Your Old Life Behind When making the decision to disappear, it is very important to understand that this is not a process that can be successfully accomplished overnight. For best results under normal circumstances, a minimum of four months is really necessary to successfully carry out the heroic actions necessary to leave your old life behind. This is certainly not an undertaking to be entered into lightly - be completely sure of yourself before you commit to this. Destination The first thing to do upon deciding to carry out this transformation is to determine where you plan to go. Your city of previous personal preference may not be the best choice if you have spoken to others about your love for it. Your destination should be outside of your current province/state. Do some research on it, figure out what you will do when you get there. Most importantly, decide on it and stick with this decision. Once you have chosen a destination, you are ready to proceed with your disappearance. The first three steps should be accomplished simultaneously over the course of four months. Step One Cut personal ties with everyone who knows you. Drop out of every group, organization, social circle, bingo table and car pool that you are a part of. The most important thing to remember here is to accomplish this slowly: pull out too abruptly and your friends and associates will become immediately suspicious. Carrying out this step should require several months of missed meetings and unreturned phone calls. Build your absence up gradually until you no longer do anything with the people who knew you. Step Two Liquidate all your assets. Divest yourself of all stocks, property and possessions, except for a week's worth of clothes and other necessities (please note: a desktop computer is NOT a necessity). Sell your house if you are single and own one. Your house should be the last thing to be sold. Please note that if you are married, do not attempt to sell anything that is your spouse's or is jointly owned. This may mean that you won't be able to sell the house, but this can't be helped. Selling things that aren't totally yours brings all sorts of nasty consequences that will dog your disappearance, such as law enforcement and private investigators. They should be avoided at all costs. Get cash for everything you sell, and withdraw everything from your bank account, waiting as long as possible before actually closing it. Be very critical when deciding what to keep: everything has to fit into a suitcase (or two at the very most) by the time you leave, so keep only what is absolutely necessary. All these sales should close within as small a timeframe as possible; having them all close on the same day would be perfect but unlikely. Finally, do not sell your car, as you will need it for the early stages of your physical disappearance. Step Three Acquire false identification. While this isn't listed until step three, this really should be the first thing you do. Do not leave this until late in the process, as it will require a substantial length of time to acquire GOOD forgeries. These will be fairly expensive, but the cost and resulting quality is absolutely essential. A twenty dollar driver's license bought downtown is just not going to cut it. You will need a driver's license, a valid social security number, and a birth certificate. In some countries, you may need other pieces of identification, such as health cards. You will need two sets, two separate identities. By the time you have completed the two steps above, you should have your two new identities, the first of which should reside in a neighbouring city / county to your present home. Step Four Sell your car to the first of your fake identities. To achieve this, you need to open a post office box in the name of this false identity in their home city/county. Register the car with the DMV in this county, and get insurance. The rates are not a concern, as you will not be paying them. Step Five In the week before your departure, you should make a point of seeing each of your good friends once. When asked about where you've been, answer vaguely but reassuringly. This should be sufficient to keep them from becoming overly concerned about your absence for at least a couple of weeks. Once the last sale of your previous property has closed, destroy all your current identification. This means thoroughly burning it. Place in your wallet the identification that you registered your car with, along with one hundred dollars of your cash. Place the rest of your cash in a briefcase or other suitable container. Load your remaining belongings into your car. Now back out of your garage and DRIVE. Step Six Sell your car in a different state/province, using the identification under which you registered it. Choosing a near opposite path to the one you will eventually take to your chosen destination will help throw off anyone who decides to attempt to follow your footsteps. Now get rid of this set of identification (once again, fire will do the trick). Place your second set of identification in your wallet. There is now nothing to tie you to your old life. Get on a bus and ride it to your destination. Do not fly there directly, as airlines keep much more thorough records than bus lines. If flying is essential (your eventual destination happens to be a Carribean island) then take a bus somewhere else first. Carry your briefcase of money with you at all times. Do not put it in a luggage compartment or leave it unattended anywhere. This is your future life. Have this stolen, and you'll have disappeared, sure, but you'll be begging on the street instead of living it up in your new condo. Step Seven You're free. Build a new life and enjoy it this time.
Interesanti ari tas,ka kapec vispar bija draudzenei jasaka, ka brauks uz DUS ,varbut speciali lika uzsvaru uz to DUS,lai maldinaatu visus... Es,piemeeram, ja agri no riita dotos pec zalem uz aptieku, demonstratiivi neklestiitu draudzenei, ka redz, man vispirms jaielej degviela, tikai tad tiksu uz aptieku! Es vnk panemtu atslegas un pateiktu ka dodos peec zaaleem.Ja nu vieniigi man pietruuktu naudas, ko paluugtu draudzenei (diez vai sajaa gadijumaa un manaa arii) un tad zinotu,ka lidz DUS un tad peec zaaleem...Nu diivaini tas viss...
Jā, un vēl tik piebildīšu interesantu niansi, ka Endijs teica, lai tiktu līdz aptiekai vispirms jāielej bendzīns, no kā secinam, ka bendzīns bijis tik maz, ka tālāk par DUS vispār viņš nevarēja braukt, bet nekā - neuzpildoties no tā aizbraucis. Secinam, vai nu viņš aizbrauca kaut kur pavisam tuvu, vai arī meloja ka jālej bendzīns, bet tad būtu neloģiski vispār braukt uz DUS..
Man jau ari liekas, ka ar puisi viss bus labi, vnk sagribejas, vai beidzot sanemas uz paarmainaam. Un lai cik mums liktos, ka pazistam savus vistuvaakos, nereti taa izradas nepatiesiba. Vajag sai lieati pieiet no cita skatu punkta, nevis tikai emocionaali, sakot, ka ne uz ko taadu un taadu nebuutu speejiigs... Nu padomajiet pashi, kam bija japiezvana, lai vnk tik krasi mainitu domas un aizbrauktu citaa virzienaa..Es iedomajos sevi savaa vietaa - skrietu tikai pie kaada tuva vai miila cilveeka... Varbut vinam bija kadas paralelas attieciibas, par kuram neviens pat nenojauta ... Vai arii kads/kada velejas atspeleties..Mazums zvaniitaja bija kada no bijusajam, vai slepenaa kontakta meiteneem, kura vnk izdomajot kadu ''stastinu'' aizvilinaja puisi uz kadu sevis noraditu vietu un tur jau taalaak vinas sabiedrotie lietu parnema savaas rokas. Gruti spriest, nezinot,kadas bija sii paara attieciibas, to zina tikai vini pashi...


Pieprasītā sadaļa var saturēt erotiskus materiālus, kuru apskatīšana atļauta tikai pilngadību sasniegušām personām.

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Pasaule patlaban padevusies principam "nauda nesmird"

Par to, kādus secinājumus Rietumiem izdarīt no Volodimira Zelenska piedāvātā miera plāna, kā uztvert ļaunuma parādi, ko pie sevis BRICS valstu samitā sapulcējis Vladimirs Putins, un Čečenijas...


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