Laika ziņas
Rīgā +12 °C
Ceturtdiena, 24. oktobris
Renāte, Modrīte, Mudrīte

Grūtups: ebreju kompensāciju jautājums jāizbeidz

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Žēl,ka mūsu prezidentam un premjeram nav tik striktas nostājas. Jo,es nezinu nevienu citu tautu,kas tā pelnītu uz savas nācijas traģēdiju.Viltīgi un tālejoši.Bet,visa šī situācija ir kā Orvelam-dažas cūkas ir vienlīdzīgākas.Mums pašiem latviešiem pietiek cilvēku,kas nepaspēja atgūt īpašumus.Ja ar vienu ļautu arī viņiem to izdarīt,tad-jā.Bet,kāpēc kāda kopiena būtu priviliģētāka?Tāpēc,ka ebrejs tas skan globāli dramatiski?
Hi there, Jewish Nazi!
"Trying to hide that part of latvian history that they did not like" - Nobody is hiding anything. All is there plain to see. As you yourself wrote it - Latvian historians have documented that all in details and it is public. "The question now is does the Latvian state and community in 2011 accept any responsibility for the actions of those latvian civilians" - The question indeed. On what grounds? On what grounds Zanis Lipke who was saving Jews risking his own life shall be held "responsible" for the deeds of Arajs? On what grounds Republic of Latvia which ceased to exist (!) after Soviet invasion in 1940 and was re-established only in 1991 is to be held "responsible" for deeds of some individuals? On what grounds, again? Common language? Living in approximately the same area in approximately the same time? Sharing common ancestry? Any more reasons? You see, you yourself are propagating a Nazi views here. Only it is not German but Jewish Nazism this time. Yes, and if you continue to maintain the idea that any single Latvian in the world and the Latvian people as a whole are responsible for any actions of any other Latvian anywhere in the world, and so is the Republic of Latvia, then by applying this same principle the modern state of Israel and any single Jew living anywhere in the world and the Jewish people as a whole shall be held responsible for what individuals of Jewish affiliation committed during the last 100 years. Be that Bolshevik terror in Russia, murders of Latvians by Jewish NKVD officers in 1941 or murder of German civilians during and after WWII in Germany? Would you agree that it is fair? No? Of course you would not! If a Latvian would want to apply the same principles to you that you are applying to Latvians, you would shout your head off cursing all the Latvian people for being Antisemitic and Nazis. While in fact you yourself are being racist, xenophobe and acting a lot like a Nazi would.
Aizsāka Vairiņa!
Millions of people around the world are currently watching the TV documentary "Nazi Collaborators-The Arajs Komando" At the conclusion of the programme they assert that Latvia has a long way to go to acknowledge its role in the holocaust. Thus Mr.Grutups has made a positive move in opening up this discussion. Latvian historians have done a great job in describing and analyzing what happened in Latvia 1940-1989.In 18 volumes the"Latvijas Veesturnieku Komisijas Raksti" describes in detail nearly every massacre that took place,even the names of most victims and perpetrators are recorded.The opinions of some of your contributors show that latvian schools and media have not done such a good job in disseminating this information.In this respect the worst offenders have been the press of the latvian diaspora. Trying to hide that part of latvian history that they did not like. The question now is does the Latvian state and community in 2011 accept any responsibility for the actions of those latvian civilians who in July and August 1941 murdered and robbed their neighbours
Latvijas gods un sirdsapziņa
Ziņģi "šauj žīdus Ventmalā'' taču latvieši dzied, ne ebrēji...
tautas dziesmas
Un tu, kad dari ko nekaunīgu, jūties kā latvietis, jeb kā ebrējs?
Ja kāds ko nezin, tad viņš gari un plaši runā. Bet mani tas garlaiko.
Nu vai tāpēc nabags paliksi? Ej, prasi Putinam, gan ar sūdainu mietu aizdzīs, bet godīgas valstis taču visu Latvijai atdeva!
ūja, ūja, ja par citiem tik ļaunu runā, cik pašā daudz labuma?
lauķe Kaija
Netaisos nevienam neko pierādīt, jo nav ne mazākās vajadzības to darīt - visu, ko savā dzīvē daru, daru ar apziņu, ka Dievs VISU redz, un tā ir mana pārliecība, cerība un prieks. P.S. Vai jums kāds ko liedz darīt INDIVIDUĀLI ,ja domājat tikai KOLEKTĪVI? Neba visi ir bezdievji...
Ne ebrejiem ir kas jāpārdomā, bet visiem PĀRĒJIEM gan...
Veneranda Koridore
Nav jāpierāda velna eksistence, ja ir cilvēki,kuri no viņa ir apsēsti. Tu esi viens no viņiem, tavs stils un vēstījuma saturs par to liecina.
Arājs uzpeldējis - vecīt Tu nav ņerakom gadsimtus sajaucis? Pie tam tā nebija gluži paša Arāja ideja, un vairāk vienkārši velk uz labu mārketingu no friču puses, ķipa citi mūs ar redz kā atbalsta. Nevajag takš uzreiz brukt virsū cilvēkiem, paprasīt ta nav aizliegts, par to jau gluži nesit:)
Par saviem vārdiem var nākties atbildēt, pat ja tas ir debīls joks - neviens te nav anonīms.
Kāpēc amerikas žīdi tieši tagad sākuši tā aktivizēties ? Atbilde ir vienkārša. par cik ekonomiskā krīze mūs uzreiz nepiebeidza, jārīkojas vēl neģēlīgāk, proti, papildus jānoplacina LV budžets. 30 ļimoni amerikas žīdiem ir smieklīgas kapeikas, bet šodienas Latvijai tā var būt kritiska nauda. Jebkurā normālā valstī premjers vispār nepieņemtu sabiedriskas organizācijas pārstāvi, taču tikai ne LV. Ja LV tauta laikus nesapratīs, ka ASV nav mūsu labvēļi, bet tieši otrādi, un ka Dombrovskis bruģē mums ceļu uz elli, nu tad tā taqm arī būs notikt.


Pieprasītā sadaļa var saturēt erotiskus materiālus, kuru apskatīšana atļauta tikai pilngadību sasniegušām personām.

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