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Sestdiena, 26. oktobris
Kaiva, Amanda, Amanta

Rīgas ostā notikušās avārijas iespējamais iemesls - neiztīrīta cisterna

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Latvijā notikušā bardaka iemesls - neiztīrīta Saeima un pied..ta Rīgas Dome.
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Tika izsaukti Biolar īpašnieki, kas latviski neprot ne vārda.
Kundziņsalā ''Baltic Container Terminal" (BKT) no konteinera ar bīstamu ķīmisku vielu, kas vakar draudēja uzsprāgt, neliela ķīmiskās vielas noplūde notika jau trešdien vakarā, atklāj BKT direktors Aldis Zieds. Tūlīt uz Rīgu tika izsaukti kravas īpašnieki no SIA "Olaines ķīmiskā rūpnīca ''Biolar''". ''Tie ieradās jau vakarā, sāka konteinerus laistīt, lai neceltos temperatūra,'' stāsta A. Zieds. Kad darbinieki konstatēja periodisku noplūdi, apmēram pēc divām stundām tika ziņots par notikušo Ugunsdzēsības un glābšanas dienestam, saka A. Zieds. Precīzu laiku viņš neatminas, bet VUGD tika izsaukti apmēram desmitos vakarā. Noplūde konstatēta tamdēļ, ka termināļa teritorijā nemitīgi tiek veikta gaisa kontrole. ''Osta strādā 24 stundas diennaktī. Nav starpības, vai ir diena vai nakts. Darbinieki teritorijā uzturas nepārtraukti. Bīstamos konteinerus uzrauga speciālisti,'' stāsta A. Zieds.----- ŠLESER TAAKAA , JA IR VEELEEŠANAAS KAROT PAR KUNDZIŅSALU , TAD ARII SAAKAM, BET NEVAJAG SACIIT , ABIEM AR UŠAKOVU , KA VISAS LIETAS NOTIEK , KAA NAAKAS . SITUAACIJU MEES KONTROLEESIM, UN NEDOD DIEVS NEZINAAS , KAS NOTIEK NELIKUMIIGI OSTAA , TAD TO ZINAASIM MEES , REDZOT KONTUS JUUSU PILDAAMIES!!!
Zilskābe HCN ir viena no indīgākajām vielām. Tās kālija sāls ( kālija cianīds KCN ) ir pazīstamā inde ciānkālijs, kurš jau ļoti mazās devās nonāvē cilvēku, paralizējot centrālo nervu sistēmu. Tā kā ne jau nosmakšna draud, bet ātra un viegla nāve. Un nekāda reanimācija te nepalīdzēs... Zilskābei ir rūgto mandeļu smarža. Bet tvana gāze ir CO un rodas degšanas procesā, ja ir skābekļa deficīts.....
Finansējuma avots medicīnai ir atrasts. Uzliekam šitiem biolariem sodu 2 miljonu latu apmērā un viss kārtībā.
Ja varetu. Sis officials dokuments un baidos neprecizi tulkot. Vispar Latviesu zinatniska valoda nak no anglu valodas, ujn loti daudz Latvija prot angliski. Kimiija tulkota vaairak no vacu valodas. Un ka tev anglu valoda Luriki? Tu laikam izklausies pec kada naguvilceja chechistu. Isumaa, tikai tev LURIKJI Ta maiga smarza nak no HCN = tvanu gaze (hydrogen cyanide) kad acetone cyanohydrin, (turpam VIELA) reakte ar udeni. Var viegli nomirt no tas un noteikti dzivibai draudoss. var sanemt 1. pakapes adas bojamjumums, sirds disrithmijas, aknu nekrozi. Sekojosais nozime upuris nespej izmantot skabekli un bus neatgrieziniska HIPOKSIJA . Ceru ka tev LURIKI sis palidz All of the pharmacological actions of cyanide result from cyanide's reversible complex with the ferric (+3) state of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase also known as ferrocytochrome c-oxygen oxidoreductase. Cessation of electron transport across the inner mitochondrial membrane results in inhibition of oxygen utilization and causes hypoxia and cellular destruction. . . vispar HCN
No tevis 5 Ls.
Varēji taču arī pārtulkot,lai laji saprot par ko runa,nevis demonstrēt savas meksikāņu angļu valodas zināšanas!
Acetone cyanohydrin is a colorless to yellowish liquid with a characteristic bitter almond odor 108 due to the presence of free HCN. The major use of acetone cyanohydrin is in the production of α- 109 methacrylic acid and its esters; the latter are used for the production of plexiglass. Further uses of acetone 110 cyanohydrin are in the production of acrylic esters, polyacrylic plastics and synthetic resins as well as in 111 the manufacture of insecticides, pharmaceuticals, fragrances and perfumes. Acetone cyanohydrin 112 decomposes spontaneously in the presence of water to acetone and hydrogen cyanide. 113 Fatalities and life-threatening occupational intoxication have been described after accidental 114 inhalation, skin contact and ingestion. Initial symptoms following mild exposure to acetone cyanohydrin 115 range from cardiac palpitation, headache, weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting to nose, eye, throat and 116 skin irritation. Acetone cyanohydrin behaves as its molar equivalent in cyanide both in vitro and in vivo. 117 All of the pharmacological actions of cyanide result from cyanide's reversible complex with the ferric 118 (+3) state of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase also known as ferrocytochrome c-oxygen 119 oxidoreductase. Cessation of electron transport across the inner mitochondrial membrane results in 120 inhibition of oxygen utilization and causes hypoxia and cellular destruction.
The formation of more stable, insoluble cyanide-metal complexes may occur. Bioconcentration in aquatic organisms of undissociated acetone cyanohydrin is expected to be insignificant. The USEPA short term (1-10 days) Drinking Water Health Advisory for cyanide is 0.22mg/l. The lifetime USEPA Drinking Water Health Advisory for cyanide is 0.154mg/l. Mitigation Measures for Releases to Water In the event of an ACH release, downstream water users and sewer and water treatment operators should be notified that a toxic, volatile chemical has been released into the water and that uptake could damage boilers, industrial equipment and treatment processes. They should be instructed to cease water/ sewer uptake, monitor for contamination and consider supplying impacted water users with alternate supplies of fresh water. Acetone cyanohydrin should be expected to go into solution very rapidly depending on receiving water mixing zones, wave action, etc. The use of containment and recovery materials such as booms, spill pillows, etc. will not be effective. Containment dikes, diversion ditches and temporary impoundments can be erected in low flow streams to contain contaminated water for subsequent treatment. Recovered contaminated water can be treated by thermal, chemical or wet-air oxidative processes. Alkaline chlorination and ozonation are effective in treating most metal-cyanide complexes. Biological treatment and ion exchange are effective on dilute wastewaters. Acetone cyanohydrin can be removed from water by aeration or sparging techniques. However, these will result in airborne vapor emissions that could create exposure hazards to people in the immediate area or downwind of the release site. Killed fish and other animals should be collected and inventoried for subsequent resource damage assessment and disposal. A monitoring program should be established to track concentrations and impact to receiving waters. Effects of Releases to Air Acetone cyanohydrin is not very volatile (vapor pressure: 0.8 mm Hg at 20° C) so vapor evolution from spill pools at ambient conditions will be slow. Small amounts of toxic hydrogen cyanide vapors will be released from a spill pool. Vapors are very irritating to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract and can cause toxic and lethal effects via inhalation and skin absorption. The odor threshold for many individuals is 1-5 ppm, which is below a toxic level, thus giving good warning properties to potentially exposed individuals. There are no published AIHA Emergency Response Planning Guidelines (ERPG) values for acetone cyanohydrin. However, the following ERPGs for acetone cyanohydrin should be considered: •ERPG-3: 50 ppm •ERPG-2: 25 ppm •ERPG-1: 15 ppm When released to the atmosphere, ACH will be expected to exist almost entirely in the vapor phase. The estimated half-life of acetone cyanohydrin is 39 days. The vapors are very stable in air and can be transported considerable distances downwind. 3 Acetone cyanohydrin will very slowly degrade in the atmosphere via reaction with photochemically generated hydroxyl radicals. Since ACH is very soluble, wet deposition is the probable removal mechanism. ACH is resistant to direct photolysis. Mitigation Measures for Releases to Air After establishing an isolation zone, evaluate the need to protect individuals in downwind areas from airborne vapors. Vapors are stable in air and can travel considerable distances. Shelter in place instructions or evacuation of the affected public should be considered as conditions warrant. Conditions affecting public protection decisions include meteorological conditions, mitigation measures employed, timing and duration of release, release rate and proximity of unprotected individuals to release area. If possible, do not extinguish an acetone cyanohydrin fire as the combustion products will most likely pose less of a hazard than ACH vapors. Water fog or spray can be applied to vapors or fumes to help reduce downwind impact. Note that a water stream sprayed directly onto an acetone cyanohydrin pool can liberate heat, spread contamination and accelerate vapor formation. Alcohol foam, (preferably AFFF/ATC) can be applied to the spill surface and will substantially reduce vapor release. If possible, use a 6% foam concentration and continue to apply as foam breaks down. Whenever applying foam or water to an ACH spill, if possible, adjust the pH to 7 or slightly below. This will assist in suppressing the formation of hydrogen cyanide. Note that both water fog and foam application will create contaminated run-off. The establishment of diversion ditches, dikes or other barriers can be used to contain contaminated water run-off for subsequent collection or disposal. Use plug rugs, plumbers putty, tarps & sand or other equipment to cover sewers and drains in the immediate spill and run-off areas. Avoid direct skin contact with contaminated water or materials. Effects of Releases to Soil Acetone cyanohydrin is considered non-volatile and has a low Henry’s Law Constant. Volatilization from a moist surface soil is not expected, but can be significant in a dry surface soil. Small amounts of toxic hydrogen cyanide can be released from spill pools. Acetone cyanohydrin adsorption to soils and organic sediments will be insignificant. Volatilization will be the primary removal mechanism from soils, especially in acidic soils. Due to its solubility and insignificant adsorption to soils, released acetone cyanohydrin is expected to have a fairly high mobility in soils with a pH
acetone cyanohydrin Emergency Response and Environmental Data for Acetone Cyanohydrin Initial Spill Response The immediate response to a release of hydrogen cyanide should be to isolate the area and then to protect those downwind of the spill. Please access the following link to the US DOT Emergency Response Guidebook Table of Initial Isolation and Protective Action Distances referring to ID number 1541 for specific instructions:/ General response guidelines can also be found in the US DOT Emergency Response Guidebook by accessing the following link to Guide 155: Physicochemical Information Common Name: Acetone Cyanohydrin [CH3C(OH)CNCH3] Physical State: Clear liquid Odor: Faint odor of bitter almond Specific Gravity/Density: 0.92 (water = 1.0) Vapor Density: 2.93 (air =1.0) Vapor Pressure: 0.8 mm Hg at 20° C Water Solubility: Completely soluble in water Evaporation Rate: 200° F) can also cause the material to disassociate into acetone, a highly flammable material and hydrogen cyanide, a highly toxic material. Due to acetone cyanohydrin’s and hydrogen cyanide’s high vapor toxicity, fire fighters should evaluate whether to extinguish an acetone cyanohydrin container/vessel fire or allow to burn out. Dry chemical, alcohol foam and carbon dioxide are recommended materials for fire fighting. Acetone cyanohydrin is a monomer and is inhibited with sulfuric acid to prevent polymerization. Violent polymerization with the release of heat and pressure build-up may occur upon exposure to high temperatures, fire conditions, strong oxidizers, acids or alkaline materials. The material decomposes to acetone and HCN in water, at temperatures above 200° F or under alkaline conditions. Butyl rubber is the preferred material to provide protection against skin contact. Supplied air breathing apparatus should be used until monitoring dictates a lower level of protection. Fully encapsulating vapor protecting suits (Hazmat Level A protection) should be used in the immediate release area or when vapor concentrations are unknown. Effects of Releases to Water Acetone cyanohydrin is miscible in water. Spills will quickly dissolve into the water column. ACH has a low vapor pressure (0.8 mm Hg @ 20° C) and low Henrys Law Constant (>8.95E-8 atm-m3/mole) so non-dissociated ACH vapor evolution from water is not expected. ACH spills to water will cause the material to dissociate into acetone and hydrogen cyanide with a half life estimated to be 9 minutes. This could be even more rapid under alkaline conditions. At pH greater than 9.2, most of the dissociated free cyanide in water will exist as hydrogen cyanide. This HCN can volatilize from water creating potential inhalation concerns. Cyanide can react in water with metals typically present (e.g. K, Na, Fe) to form complexes. Some of these complexes such as iron and copper cyanide are very stable and others such as zinc cyanide decompose quite readily. Acetone cyanohydrin is highly toxic to both saltwater and freshwater fish. Although aquatic toxicity is highly species and habitat dependent, one can anticipate fish kills in the 0.5-1.0 ppm concentration range. Dissociation product hydrogen cyanide is also very toxic to aquatic life and fills kills could result upon acute exposures in the 50-100 ppb range. Extended exposures to HCN concentrations in the low ppb range are toxic to certain organisms including minnows, bluegill and perch. HCN is considered moderately toxic to invertebrates with kills expected in the 1-100 ppm range. ACH released to water will dissociate rapidly. Volatilization of cyanide is considered the primary removal mechanism from waters. Cyanide, at very low concentrations, will slowly biodegrade in both fresh and salt water. However, degradation data in water are very limited. The formation of both insoluble and soluble metal complexes would also be significant in salt water. Hydrolysis and photolysis are not expected to be significant removal pathways. Non-dissociated acetone cyanohydrin is not expected to adsorb to sediments or suspended particulates. Accumulation and magnification in river or lake bottoms will be insignificant. 2
Flashpoint 74 C bet rakstits cisterna dzesinata lidz 90 C un to parvedis...... flashpoint nozime temperatura kur viela SPONTANI UZLIESMO. Acimredzot kimiki Latvija atpusas pie lauku majam.
kāļa-galva pavisam nesen rīgas iedzīvotājiem solīja jaunas darba vietas .. bet radīja - jaunas kapa vietas..
Kuram atbildiba??? nevinam??? Welcome to Latvia


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