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Arii FBI "briidina".....
FBI Introduced Omar Mateen to Informants Prior to Pulse Attack Agency specializes in running terror plots Kurt Nimmo - June 14, 2016 163 Comments FBI Introduced Omar Mateen to Informants Prior to Pulse Attack 1.7K 0 14 In addition to associating with Marcus Dwayne Robertson, a known longtime FBI informant with links to the CIA, and working for a security company that carries out clandestine operations for the CIA, the FBI introduced suspected Orlando shooter and “known quantity” Omar Mateen to informants. From the New York Daily News on Monday: FBI investigators investigated Mateen, who was born in New York, for 10 months. They introduced him to confidential informants, spied on his communications and followed him. They also interviewed him twice. The alleged Boston Marathon bomber, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was also approached by the FBI and asked to work as an informant. A 23-page document presented in 2014 by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s defense team makes the claim. Dzhokhar is Tamerlan’s younger brother. He was convicted of planting bombs along the marathon route and awaits a death sentence. Tamerlan was reportedly killed under suspicious circumstances in Watertown, a suburb of Boston, after the bombing. In response to the Tsarnaev defense motion, the DOJ reported that it could discover “no evidence” to support the claim that the Bureau approached Tamerlan with a request, according to PrivacySOS. The DOJ responded after Senator Chuck Grassley wrote the FBI a public letter asking whether Tamerlan was ever approached to inform for the FBI. The letter posted by Grassley was apparently prompted by concerns raised by Cambridge law enforcement whistleblowers. An MIT police officer said the FBI knew where Tsarnaev was the night the night officer Sean Collier was killed on campus. Collier was allegedly killed by the Tsarnaev brothers. It was also claimed that Ibragim Todashev, said to be a Tsarnaev associate, was an FBI informant. Todashev was killed by FBI agents in Orlando a month after the Boston attack. Todashev’s girlfriend, Tatiana Gruzdeva, and his friend Ashurmamad Miraliev, were pressured to become FBI informants before they were detained and deported. Todashev’s friend Khusen Taramov said that despite having a green card he was denied re-entry into the United States after Todashev’s death, The Daily Beast reported on March 2, 2015. The FBI is known for using informants and agents provocateurs to manufacture bogus terror threats. Informants played key roles in the Fort Dix and numerous other government cooked-up terror plots, including the so-called Liberty 7 plot in Miami. In 2014, it was revealed nearly all of the highest-profile domestic terrorism plots in the United States since 9/11 featured the “direct involvement” of government agents or informants, according to an in-depth report released by Human Rights Watch. “In some cases the FBI may have created terrorists out of law-abiding individuals by suggesting the idea of taking terrorist action or encouraging the target to act,” the report states. Government agents and provocateurs appear with regularity along the terror timeline. Emad Salem, a former lieutenant colonel in the Egyptian army, was an FBI informant and played a key role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. FBI informant Garrett Wilson, an ex-US Army Ranger and military police officer, sold weapons to black Muslim militants and was contacted by the security chief at the al-Kifah Refugee Center, a charity front tied to both al-Qaeda and the CIA. Ali Mohamed, who worked for both the CIA and Egyptian Islamic Jihad simultaneously, trained mujahideen in Afghanistan for the CIA and later became an FBI informant. Prior to the attacks of 9/11, al-Qaeda was penetrated numerous times by the CIA, Syrian intelligence, and Turkish intelligence. Islamists tied to acts of terror also worked for British intelligence, most notably Abu Hamza, the imam of the Finsbury Park mosque in London. For a detailed examination of the FBI’s use of informants prior to the Orlando attack, see Tony Cartalucci’s Confirmed: FBI Introduced Florida Shooter to “Informants.”
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Vispirms (ASV izraisiits) kars, tad (ASV apmaaciiti un Saudi Araabijas un ASV sadarbiibaa)apbrunota Islama Valsts, tad (ASV) specvieniibu briidinaajumi par teroraktiem (ASV vadiitaa) NATO sadarbotaajvalstii Polijaa. Taapeec jaapalielina NATO klaatbuutne Eiropaa..... Varbuut bez liekiem izdevumiem un zaudeetaam dziiviibaam labaak buutu uzreiz atdot Eiropas kontroli ASV.....Vismaz nespeeleeties ar cilveeku veselo sapraatu.....
:D Paldies Polijai par Slepenajiem CIP cietumiem. Kur ASV tur terors.
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