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Rīgā +11 °C
Daļēji saulains
Otrdiena, 22. oktobris
Irīda, Īrisa, Airisa

EDSO peļ Kemerona tīmekļa pornogrāfijas apkarošanas plānu

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Hi Raymond,> you have destroyed the swf fromat for people like myselfSWF fromat had to be open to be successful and accepted, and so Macromedia opened it in 1998.We were the first to offer a decompiler, but today there are (too) many around.This was inevitable with an open fromat that runs in a VM. There were JAVA decompilers, and there are .Net decompilers, as well as obfuscators.> you make an application that allows the theft of actionscriptTechnically, that may be true. But ASV has many legit uses and those are the intended uses. Your generic Xanax may be used for killing people (I guess, with overdose), I don't see any difference. (And computers can be used for crime, cameras can be used for child porn, the list goes on )> Every single one of your customers is just as bad as the warez organisations you hate so much.You are so wrong about why I hate warez organizations. I'm reluctant to write about this I hate them because a pirate copy of ASV is unfair for the paying customers of ASV. People who pay for software do not use warez. Every pirate copy of ASV actually makes ASV more known and increases our sales. But it's not fair. Sounds like crazy? I wouldn't have believed it, if it wasn't my own experience.And about our customers Now I wish my ethics would allow me to quote some of them. Just one example: Ad industry uses ASV and UAE for very legit purposes as you may guess, checking scripts in SWF ads we love to hate.Raymond, I think you are wrong, I know you are wrong. I hope you'll see it in time, maybe 5 years later. You may not approve decompilers, and it's OK. But the way you react and targeting me/us as the only one responsible is way too wrong. Anyway, that's my opinion and probably expected.I wish you well.Burak
fcuk Duņu !
Tā ur UK iekšēja lieta, EDSO tur nav jābāž savu degunu. Arī Latvijai derētu striktāk apkarot pornogrāfiju.
P.S. pats Lielbritānijas premjers droši vien ir rūdīts porno satura ienaidnieks, pat līdz īpašiem filtriem ir aizdomājies :)
:) Es gribētu redzēt to speciālistu komisiju, kas tālredzīgi izvērtēs nepiedienīgo atslēgvārdu kolekciju, kas būtu bloķējama.. un arī "profesionālo diskusiju" labprāt paklausītos :)


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