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Pirmdiena, 27. janvāris
Ildze, Ilze, Izolde

Ziemeļkoreja veikusi tuva darbības rādiusa raķešu izmēģinājumu

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Very interesting dicusssion. I would like to share how the macro discourse of English Only unfolds in a grade six school in Karachi where pupils attend this particular school because it claims to be an English medium school. The school is located in a shanty area of Karachi and is attended by children of low-income group. Lisa London goes to London is the title of their English Language. The book describes the success story of a young girl Lisa who gets a free trip to London because she excels in English. Lisa lands at Heathrow from where she is taken to Hyde Park, London eye. The teacher did her best to explain what Hyde Park, Heathrow and London eye looked like. I kept noticing pupils’ efforts to visualize them and above Lisa free trip to London because she did so well in English. It is definitely difficult to say what must be going on in the minds of these learners who probably have not seen even Karachi but one thing is sure that the school is successful.Khan
There is no common enemy.Fighting smnogat clans has been prevalent throughout recorded history in all parts of the world from Asia to Europe and even in the Americas. Arabs, for all the boundaries created within 20th century, remain disunified. As such, there remain the same clannish struggles that were present for thousands of years a sort of collective unconscious. It's automatic. For even in Gaza, infigting among Palestinians grows daily.When you place western influences within an environment of ancient clan struggles, explosions beyond normal disonance is bound to appear. Be it the presence of Israel or the United States, among certain clans, the West remains a source of new infidels. West is not seen as a unifier or peacemaker. They are perceived as new outside clans, external forces corrupting the balances of internal struggles that span millennia. So, in the context of historical patterns, western influences are the antagonists in that region. United States should withdraw. Israel, unfortunately, is viewed as western among the Arabs. And Israel claims rights even though most of the 19th century and early 20th century settlers were Europeans. So it remains, as the Persians fought Sparta, modern arabs battle the west. And as american manifest destiny triumphed over Indians for how the west was won, the arabs aim is to make sure the west dosen't win arabia. The philistines have grown in numbers. To them. westerners are the philistines of the past. Yet, the west relies on arabs and provides a significant economic resource to the arabs. Can the west leave the arabs alone? Should Israel surrender its historic claims to the region? It's East vs West. Clans against clans. As it was 5000 years ago, it will be today.If there was no western influence, if there was no Israel, the arabs would continue to battle smnogat themselves, asAfricans continue to do in Africa. The enemy is, after all, within the family members within the human race. The consummate struggles of Cain and Abel extended through generations. So as Jekyll saw Hyde, the enemy is ulimately our reflections in a mirror. Even G-d may realize that his Sim-Earth citizens will never cease struggling against themselves. We are our own enemy until everyone can raise our consciousness to another plane. Unfortunately, we must die to see if that elevation might happen. As long as death is the route to salvation, life remains cheap. The battles go on.
An interesting new twist. As for the apatelu' stage, it is hard to keep going when nothing seems to be happening especially as for many of our children, change takes far longer that mister and miss average. I've found that we can go for months and months on some issues to with no action at all, and some things have taken years. I think this is why it is very good for us' to blog because we can look back at all the can't' and suddenly find that so many of them have either drastically reduced or more or less disappears, [although they can come back and bite you every so often!]Cheers
Tammy, Tammy, Tammy! Thank you so much for your warm sentiments, but I'm raafid I'm going to have to challenge you.If you're going to wait until you reach a goal weight, you've missed the point. Do you think Parker cares what size you are? Do you think in 10 years time, or 20, you and/or Parker are going to worry about how big you were?I used to be 275lbs, so I do understand. But you cannot put your life on hold, or avoid doing things until you have reached some ideal size/shape/weight. I'm sure you, as much as anyone, understands the need to make the most of the now. I await your photo
gribu visu zināt!
nu nebūs jau tā ka zēkoreja tagad iekaros visu pasauli un ēst nebūs ko ! vai tomēr ?


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