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Trešdiena, 23. oktobris
Daina, Dainida, Dainis

VEF Rīga sper pirmo soli pretim BBL Final Four

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Anh Cuong do Tu Tai nam 16 tuoi, do Thu Khoa Ky Su Dai Hoc (Dipl-Ing) tai Tay Duc, do Tien Si voi hang danh du (magna cum laude) tai George Washington University. Cac cong trinh nghien cuu cua Anh ve Robotics va Control cung Operations tai NASA va cac dinh che khoa hoc khac that xuat sac. Anh cung sang lap mot nuyegt san chuyen mon ky thuat va lam chu but. Anh day hoc tai Catholic University of America (CUA) va da tu giang vien (assistant professor) that mau len pho giao su (tenured associate professor) roi giao su (tenured full professor). Cung luc do Anh len tu giao su toi truong hoi dong khoa dien (chairman of department of EE), roi khoa truong truong ky su (dean of the school of engineering).Anh co nhung hoat dong ve van hoa giao duc khoa hoc ky thuat voi tam voc quoc gia (VEF) va quoc te toan cau voi cac lien ket giao duc khoa hoc cua CUA voi cac dai hoc noi tieng tai A Chau (Trung Hoa, Dai Loan, Tan Gia Ba, An Do .) va tai Au Chau.Khi con tre Anh choi dan Tay Ban Cam (guitar lead) cua mot ban nhac tre sinh vien va van thuong hay to chuc cac buoi van nghe o tu gia tai Virginia.
to be hardworking, law aidbing, and gifted in math and science, the model Asian myth. However, applied to an entire group, the myth is troubling because the stereotype obscures many realities, and oblivious to the negative consequences of a positive image. Perhaps, it is necessary to point out what is corrupting about the myth would be Asian Americans exalting in it, perceiving ourselves as smarter than other Americans. If we arrogantly tell ourselves and everyone else about our brain capacity and our cultural superiority, everyone else would resent Asian Americans for what we possess.In 1996, the brutal ambush murder of a popular Vietnamese American immigrant, who had attended UCLA (United Caucasians Lost among Asians), by two “wiggers” (replace “n” by “w” meaning white teenagers who are copying black). Here was the words: “ I stabbed him in the side about 7 or 8 times he rolled over a little so I stabbed his back out 18 or 19 times then he layed flat and I slit one side of his jugular vain. I cut his other jugular vain I stabbed him about 20 or 21 times in the heart ” In America, where race matters, words matter. Words can be innocuous to some and odious to others. The term Asian Americans should be included for coalition, not merely to gratify our ego. We must erase the line runs between an Anglo-Asian overclass and an African-Hispanic underclass and take responsibility to enhance our awareness, rather than devalue the anguish of others. Back in those segregation days, Asians never rode the city buses. Whites rode in the front and colors rode in the rear, and where exactly did Asians fit in?. Nowadays, Asians don’t ride the city buses, but it has a whole new different meaning. Many privileges we can afford today came from the struggle of African American. We should emphasize on the solidarity of our history, our common values.


Pieprasītā sadaļa var saturēt erotiskus materiālus, kuru apskatīšana atļauta tikai pilngadību sasniegušām personām.

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