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Trešdiena, 23. oktobris
Daina, Dainida, Dainis

Lattelecom ievieš jaunu lojalitātes programmas modeli Latvijā

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Dan, the problem I have with George's tsihes is twofold:1) Some of the ideas, relationships and substance that driving things like the Arab spring revolutions and accelerated collaboration and learning in organization environments would not be *possible* without the rapid iteration and connections that occur through social networks. I believe social media is a platform for more than just an acceleration of things that would be inevitable with or without Facebook social media is the enabler of substance. If you aren't taking part in the conversation, you're missing out on the big gooey pile of ideas that you can sort through, synthesize and build upon.2) I saw Clay Shirky speak on social media a few months ago, and he made a strong point that social media matters because it allows the synchronized coordination of action and ideas. Specifically, Shirky argues that social media is truly a revolutionary tool because it gives people who already want to get things done the tools to get things done at a larger scale. The printing press didn’t cause the Protestant revolution, for example, but it made it possible. In the 2011 case, social media enables revolutionaries to do three things: synchronize their views, coordinate their action and document & share their activities.In Shirky’s most cutting point, he noted that governments aren’t scared, after all, of informed people: they’re scared of groups with synchronized beliefs and views, and social networks accelerate the creation of those groups.As the revolution spread to Libya, Gaddafi banned soccer not because he didn’t love the game, but because he was scared of the stadium. He didn’t want people to get together to synchronize their views and coordinate their action – but certainly he’s naive if he doesn’t think Facebook and new media are the new stadium.In summary, Shirky argues that social media is more than just the new telephone: the use of social media enables the “ridiculously easy” creation of groups with synchronized beliefs. Revolutions spread faster than the speed of light when the synchronization, coordination and documentation is facilitated through social media.In closing I believe social media is a big source of there without it, many of the global phenomena we've witnessed in the last year or two would not be.
Ja Jūs būtu gudrs, tad LTV7 mājas lapā izlasītu šādu ziņu: Godātie skatītāji, tehnisku ielsemu dēļ nav iespējams pārraidīt KHL spēli no Habarovskas starp AMUR DINAMO RĪGA. Sekojiet līdzi rezultātam LTV7 ēterā!


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Zirnis joko - 23.10.2024

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