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Trešdiena, 29. janvāris
Valērijs, Aivars

Russia Likely to Disintegrate as Result of Demographic Decline

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One more of your terms: "guided national revival". Can you tell me who from outside guided the Latvian independence declaration in 1918, and what documents prove the fact of guidance. It is the same with late 1980s, when Gorbachev's perestroika (intended as cosmetic reforms without actual changes) turned into real independence movements. Of course you can believe all processes are guided by green lizards from a spaceship orbiting the Moon; that is a conspiracy theory. This kind of thinking is characterostic for those who feel unsafe in the real world and think the world is a global conspiracy against them.
You are someone with an outsider's thinking, as far as I have seen. You made lots of wrong statements obviously borrowed from hostile propaganda brochures, the only source for crap like "Latvia was founded by Germans to stop the advancing bolsheviks", "Lenin gave freedom to Latvia" etc. Even in a normal European society a foolish statement is a foolish statement and ignorance is ignorance. Yes and normal European society even takes people to court for hate speech and denial of historical facts. You can have tyour own opinions but not your own facts. You are not good in anything and you never remember anything, as far as I know. Expect you to come back with the same ignorant statements in a few days under another article. The term chauvinism (which should not be mixed with patriotism) originates from the name of Chauvin, a supporter of the Napoleonic wars. As you grow up you will learn that life is nore complex than your dictionary meanings. Patriotism is being proud of one's country,working to improve it and defending if needed; chauvinism is building up one's country by destroying other countries or spreading propaganda about "natural and artificial states" or "capable nations", or implying that new nations do not have the right to be independent. Your attitude as seen in this discussion is a kind of "national self-humiliation", and you repeat many false statements that you could learn only from ignorant soviet chauvinists. Or maybe you are one of them, I do not know you and have the right to make assumptions based on your statements. It is hard to believe that a Latvian can be so ignorant in his own history and even worse, get all the facts wrong. Someone not interested in politics would not know the facts and either would look them up or wait for someone to tell him, but not come up with rubbish like you did. My confidence in Latvia maybe will not help YOUR country (if your country is hostile to Latvia) but it will help my Latvia. Why dont you guys fix your own country instead of saying foolish things about other countries and denying their history? I do not see how ignorance and denial of facts helps YOUR country.
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines "chauvinism" as "expressed, blind patriotism and devotion". Probably I am a chauvinist, but not blind, as you are. I want Latvia to become a normal prosperous country once. Now it needs bitter medicine to recover. An your attitude similar to a sick man in delirium. It will not help our country, for certain.
"So do not tell us you gave us something" you are saying. I am not someone from the outside. And if something was not given, it was not given to us - me, you and "other us". My point of view is different from yours, that is true. But in normal society, claiming to be european, it is a matter of fact. Evident double standard - you pretend to be european thinking and, at the same time, expressyourself like an african savage. Sorry for grammar lessons, but it was too incorrect. Am am not so good in slang, but you can have a look in a dictionary and see what "to shrink" (verb) mens in normal english. Play of words, if you know what I mean.
A "shrink" is a slang word for a psychiatrist, in case Mr. Grammar Teacher does not know the word. imo a suitable nickname for a conversation with a stubborn chauvinist fool.
You will be called a mental retard as long as you behave like one. Taking offence will only make it worse. The more you whine and complain the more criticism you get. And now back on the theme. We did not "get" independence from anyone, we fought wars for it in 1919-1920, even in two fronts for some time. Poeple from the Baltics were shot in 1991. So do not tell us you gave us something. And go tell the ignorant man from Delfi that there is no "independence in inverted commas". There is national independence, same status for all countries, no matter Albania or the USA. Russia has no special right and Russia's neighbors do not have less of them. btw Lithuania in the 13th cent. also gained territories after crisis in Russia, when some Russian princes rather accepted the Lithuanian rule than that of Gengis Khan's successor. That much of old times. And I would rather live in a small European country than in a huge pauper empire to which a soviet chelovek would never want to return. That much of the 21st century.
And the last one. Just to cite one of the posts from of today. Subject is very similar, if not the same: "Tikai vajadzetu paskatities pagatne ka Latvija dabuja "neatkaribu" XX g.s. sakuma un 1991.g. Tikai pec krievijas kataklizma. Lidz ar to var secinat ka ir tautas (t.s. latviesi), kuri lidz neatkaribai nav izaugusi. To pasu var noverot, piemeram ukraina. Lietuvai jau 700 g. atpakal bija dizvalsts. Ne katrai tautai ir valsts."
Hey Mr. Anger, if you continue like this you'll really shrink. Gramatically could be more correct to write: "You said it, not me". Your mode of behaviour resembles very much a literate svage with prominent inferiority complex, shouting to people at the street "We are not primitive, we are not !!!!!" Nothing to add. That is it.
And I repeat once again personally for those with memory and reading problems: Latvian independence declaration of 1918 has nothing to do with the Germans. A typical problem with chauvinists and hate speakers, you only know half of the history. You know about Germans and WWI but you have never heard of the independence declaration (which was at least mentioned in the Soviet history course) and you have never heard of the Latvian Independence war of 1919-1920. I forgive you on that. There is not a single word on the independence war in soviet textbooks,so it is not a surprise you do not know.
Especially for mental retards: Germany had just surrendered on November 11,1918, while Latvia was proclaimed on November 18, 1918. And if you cannot hold a front line, no "artificially declared states" will stop the advancing enemy. Chauvinism and logic do not fit together. And if Latvia according to your mentally retarded logic has been taken already (by whom? do you moron know the difference between privat property and state territory? do you know that in ALL countries there is property owned by foreigners? can you make at least one correct statement per 2 days?) why do you sit here for two days and desperately make up a pile of foolish arguments against this country,which you call "your country"? And how can you deny the rights of your country to exist?
Wrong. There were feudal states ruled by local feudals already in the 12th and 13th century, a very normal situation for Europe of that time. Thats history course you moron. And that was even in soviet history books. btw some of the greatest civilisations like ancient Greece and Sumer never unified and lived in city states, but even a mental retard like you will not say ancient Greece did not exist. Germany was pretty much disintegrated during the middle ages, up to 300 states including the small ones, but does that mean Germany did not exist before 1871? Italy as a state did not exist in the middle ages, there were city and region states. You do not make Latvia your country by making foolish statements and demonstrating complete ignorance in every theme you try to discuss, you can either have a positive attitude or a hostile one. It is useless to continue telling lies,as your lies cannot stand against historical facts. Germans have nothing to do with the Latvian independence declaration of November 18, 1918, so only a mental retard can make up false history and desperately keep to that. I already told you mental retard that all states are declared in one day, there is no other procedure for declaring a state, so it is useless yto keep insisting on your foolish statements being true. Yes and can you esxplain what "objective reasons" must exist to declare a state, and which international law has defined them. If there is no law defining "national maturity and capability", and even such terms do not exist, why do you make such foolish statements? Regarding your whining and complaining, we are used to that. We have been hearing idiotic things for some 20 years now, and we know you cannot say anything else. And we know that you will whine and complain in any situation, so it is not a surprise. One of the unwritten laws of discussions say, you cannot make the opponent responsible for things he has not said. As I have not said anything about the UK, I will not comment on things YOU made up. You said them not I.
In haste - because germans were afraid that the frontline will move soon. At that time it was unpredictable. Artificial - because there was no objective reason, it was guided national revival, initially Atmoda was also guided, using respective chaos situation. And I do not say that it was good or bad, it simply was. Now we all see the consequences of those events. There is no law to define national maturity and capability, it is just present or not. And only history proves it or not. In case of Latvia the result is negative. Thanks god now it is part of EU and it will bring up the child, but in its own way.
Ok. Bluntly. There was no such word as "Latvia" before 1918. Same as there was no such city as Liepaja (originally - Libava, as you probably remember). Renamed as many other original things. Modern UK , following your logics, is also medieval, keeping Northern Ireland in its clutches. Latvia is my country and will always be. And people with attitude like yours will never decide for me. Furtunately most of latvians are sensible and friendly. No one is even thinking now about taking Latvia. Unfortunately it is already taken, stolen and sold, and only such twaddlers as you are still tirading about national realisation. I could understand if you were one of "trimda" , but your texts do not sound like native english.
You have come up with four pseudo terms which nobody beside you recognises and nobody has even heard. The first two were "made in haste" and "artificial country" and you forgot them as soon as you were asked to explain them. Maybe you can explain which law defines the age of a nation that can have a state, and which law sets requirements for "capable nations" and what requirements a nation must meet to be "capable".
This is criticism of your argumentation. I have not called you a pedophile yet :D And YOu are responsible for your choice of arguments. Nobody has tied you to a chair and forced you to write foolish things, holding an MP40 to your back, and nobody will open fire on you if you are not stubborn :D It is your choice. It is a chauvinist idea to divide nations into "capable" and "uncapable". Of course your nation is capable, and you do not even consider the problems in your country, but others are not and therefore your nation has the right to take their land and make up every possible objection. Double standards are typical for chauvinist propaganda. The international law does not define "incapable nations" and does not authorise other nations to take their land. This idea would be ok in middle ages (although the Swiss spearmen and crossbowers would strongly disagree :D but today it is chauvinism and hate speech. Your English is ok, you have a problem with comprehension and another problem with your stubornness. I assume I am talking to an adult who knows when Latvia was proclaimed as a state, and you must also know when the Latvians realised themselves as a nation (which corresponds to development of nationalism in Europe - the concept of a nation state is only some 200 years old, which you also know), when first documents in Latvian were written and that at least one progressive German, whose name you also know, objected against the situation of that time. He lived in the end of the 18th century and was not a chauvinist, but here we have some people who live 200 years after him and still have medieval thinking. You cannot start a discussion on history and then miss the basic facts. Further silly questions will be ignored and you will just get criticism for your style of discussion.


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