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Viegls lietus
Sestdiena, 26. oktobris
Kaiva, Amanda, Amanta

Since 2000, Moscow has Given Out Nearly Three Million Russian Passports in Post-Soviet States

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i. -> Repatriation
Russians do, Kreml doesn't.
Thats too bad. I dont think the Russians care too much for human rights, basic freedoms
i -> Repatration
well, those that wanted to go, already went, so what you suggest is a clear violation of human right, basic freedoms.
I suggest sendinall ethnic russians with russian passporsts back to their mother land. With absouletly no emotion. Is there are shortage of land for these ex-patriates?
just checked, well, Russia's military budget is as big as Italy's. Let's not even mention Germany, GB, France, etc etc.
so to threat itself with similar international attitude as some European state is a priori foolish. Since the fall of carist regime, Russia has not had international friendship and allies, to what european countries are used to. Other countries have always been enemies, or nowadays - competitors. Well, just check official Russia's foreign policy, signed by Putin in 2000 (or was it 2001..) with which Russia's Ministry of Foreign affairs has worked ever since. What are other countries for Russia and what are Russia's neighbors to it, you can see there. Very bluntly, first one is "enemy", second one "food". Even Belarus is a friend ONLY when it does what Kreml says it to do.
and those people from any big country, well, I just don't understand you, how naive do you really are? So, if Russia has 500'000 troops with ridiculously low amount of most modern weapons and economy and social situation almost like in Spain and Brazil, then it suddenly is some great power, just because it is winning in all geography contests in primary schools? Yes, Russia is a huge threat for Baltics, even for Poland, even though Russia has always feared it (guess why), but for countries like France, GB, Germany? To lower yourself and threat Russia as equal or even superior (!) is exactly what it has wanted for the longest time (myth of the 3rd Rome? Anyone?). Russia is a place of ambitions, not really a collection of society's institutions, dedicated to work for it's society.
I think people are still mixing Kreml with Russia. Those 2 are totally different concepts which in reality don't live together too well. Just talk to people outside Moscow, what do they think that any serious economical activity in region is highly controlled, so that nobody would be strong enough to become independent, and what do they think of all resources sucked out of all lands, with ridiculously low money staying in the regions. Siberia or Ural mountains region could be one of the wealthiest places on earth. Are they? And there are tens of regions like that. The reason why Kreml (and NOT Russia) is interested in conquering neighbours can be described in Putins own words "The collapse of Soviet Union has been the most catastrofic event of the 20th century". And what his supporters say? "Baltic is historically russian territory." Yeap, those 2 centuries means "forever". And peace treaties of the year 1920 with the phrases "Soviet Russia forever looses rights and claims on Baltic lands" were just an international joke. Russian culture has never experienced renaissance and enlightenment and thus the transition from power of tradition to legality. Always remember that.
Leaders with KGB in their blood cannot act differently.
Pretext for occupation
The issue and distribution of Russian passports is just a preparation for invasion to rescue "the oppressed Russian minorities" It is really not difficult to see how Russia is using precisely the the same arguments in attacking or occupying (or liberating in Russian parlance) its smaller neighbors as the NAZIS did in occupying Chechoslovakia during the Anschluss of 1938. Russia is the largest country on earth with the most abundant natural resources. Why do small countries such as Chechnya or Latvia interest them?
"entitled to" means you can naturalise; it does not mean you can demand citizenship of a country you hate and do nothing for that country, even refuse to learn its language; that is absurd. Another absurd is that people with Russian passports would rather be shot on the spot than move to Russia, they choose to stay in other countries but they deny the fact that these countries are not parts of Russia. But a homo sovieticus is an irrational creature driven by emotions and denying any logic. Orwell made just a brief and not very successful attempt to describe this creature.
Peter Wolf
You can only be a citizen of Nepal If your mom and dad are citizens of Nepal And if you were also born in Nepal And you live there in your native country. Things are different in South Ossetia - There you easily and free of charge Can just go and get a Russian passport Even if you've never been to Russia. But if you decide to go to Russia, If you want to proudly walk in Moscow, Be aware that skinheads will not like you Even if you have a Russian passport.
It is nasty to deny that those defending and promoting the soviet anti-civilization are, in fact, ogres. The classical USSR promoted campuflaged Russian chauvinism called "proletarian internationalism"; modern Russia promotes Russian chauvinism without camouflage. That is the only difference.
What racial discrimination? Latvians and Russians are the same race. And, interesting, no other national minority has a problem in the same situation! You cannot just go wherever you want to and demand citizenship. And no one would ever get citizenship anywhere without knowledge of language, hating the country one lives in. You guys have been whining and complaining about how bad Latvia needs you and how those poor Latvians would starve to death if you were not here; we have been hearing this crap since late 1980s. Latvia needs normal European people and they may even speak Russian (besides Latvian, English and some other) but what we DO NOT need is soviet liberators who want to bring their order to our home. Yes and you contradict yourself. In one sentence you say russian speaking people are active and only they can hold the economy in place, but in another sentence they are so poor they cannot even afford language training. Which one is true, you cannot have ot both ways! And secondary education is free! And don't tell lies, every Russian knows at least conversational Latvian these days. Even mental retards like "chelovek" who demonstrate their inability to apeak Latvian and are proud of it, understand. So what problems do you have with using a language you have learned and know?
Taking a Russian passport means that one regularises his foreigner status in the state were he lives. If one keeps it secret then one frauds law. It could be a motive of expulsion.


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