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Pastars: ECT lēmums Čalovska lietā ir smags signāls valdībai un tiesai

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ES pieņems stingrākus likumus par internetnoziegumiem...........tas gan būs.
Tik puiciska, neprofesionāla valoda, tik dumja spriedelēšana, neviena juridiska agrumenta, un saucas eksperts? Izsmiekls!
Nosauciet - no kurienes ir tie augstkāēji, kas līda pa virvēm puikas dzīvoklī ? - kur ir tas dators, ko viņi izstiepa no šī dzīvokļa ? - kas tajā datorā bija ? - un kas tajā tagad ir ? _ vai Ltvijā nav spējīgo atbildēt uz šiem jautājumiem ? ( publiski, izmeklēšanas "noslēpuma" robežās, jebšu nevienu tas neinteresē. Vienīgi māti esmu redzejis TV ekrānā apgalvojot, ka viņas "hakeris" neko sliktu nav spējīgs izdarīt !?)
kauns par vienotību un na, latvijas
kauns par visiem siem sava tuvaka, latvijas pilsona, kadi ari pasi ir, naida apreibusajiem calovska asinu asinskarajiem asinsuniem, kas nometa vinu ar akmeniem neko ari nezinot bez pieradijumiem. vai jums neliekas ka ari ikviens no jums, akmenu meteji, vareja but calovska vietaa? ari sie iztpaigie ieredni, kuri ne aci nepamirkstinot sutija calovski uz spidzinasanam amerikaa, kur vins butu tiesats, ka vinu spiegs pirmkart, noteikti ar elektrisko kreslu pec shova beigam/ drizak jau gan calovskim bija viena maza epizodiska nelaimiga datorhaltura zinot vai nezinot kam, kartupela maisa iegadei, kaa tauta runaa, un ta ka istos vainigos gozi mafijas miljonu izzadzejus atrast nevar, tad fib kera, kam uzgaja virsu, mazakajam servisu apkalpojosam personala darbiniekam nelaimigajam calovskim. bet latviesu valdiba gan ir suni, ka piespeleja pakala lizdami izdot savu pilsoni amerikaniem sai gadijuma krusta sist par visiem gozi grekiem usa bankieriem par prieku. kauns par sadu valdibu, vienotibu, na, un pieprasu iztapigaa ieredna bordana demisiju!
Necensaties veltigi izcelties ! Lopu vagonu pasazieru kandidatu saraksta Jus jau sen esat. Protams,ja ta turpinasiet varat noklut vel ari cita saraksta.Izvele ir Jusu.
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Tas ir signāls, ka nedrīkst tiesāt kibernoziedzniekus. Jāļauj viņiem darboties-zagt un laupīt caur kibertīklu.Ja kādu noķer, jālaiž tūlīt vaļā, citādi būs "'ziepes"" no ECT
ivars graudums
Pashiem latvieshiem jaalemj, kas ir labi, kas slikti. Nevajaga vienmeer raudziities uz sveshiem signaaliem! Man shaada riiciiba atgaadina kaadu joku, parfraazeetu: No mezha izskrien zilonis. Anglji, vaacieshi, amiishi vinju apbriino, veertee. Bet latvietis iesaucas: ko shis lielais dziivnieks par mani domaas!
Tieslietu ministram, galvenajam prokuroram un attiecīgai tiesu instancei jāatkāpjas. Cilvēki kuri nezina cilvēktiesības un tās neizprot nevar strādāt sājos amatos. Tielietu sistēmā jāstrādā cilvēkiem, kuri zina valodas un brīvi orientējās Eiropas pamatlikumos.
Nevar būt, ka zinošs jurists tā izsakās. Nav jau tā sprieduma. Pastar, vai tev nevajag brilles, varbūt, vajag arī dzirdi uzlabot?
redzēt, kā Latvija smok no likumpārkāpēju nesodāmības apziņas...
Piekriitu, vashkevichi, stabinjas, AAA, u.t.t.
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Čalovskim ir izcili un dārgi advokāti.'Tādus viņš nevarētu sev atļauties.Ja tie viņam ir no tiesas piespriesti,tad gribētos zināt, kas izdarījis izvēli ? Par brīvu jau viņi nestrādā ! Lūdzu man to paskaidrot !
Vajag vairaak sekot publiceetajam,nevis komentaariem! Tika zinjots, ka advokaati ir briivpraatiigi uznjeemushies Chalovska aizstaaviibu! Pakustini smadzenes-skalja lieta, izaicinaajums advokaatiem un labi, ka speeciigi advokaati uznjeemushies aizstaaveet LV pilsonja tiesiibas uz tiesaashanu LV!
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Lai kāds būtu hipotētiskais signāls, būtu vienreiz jāsaprot - nacionālā likumdošana un noslēgtās starpatutiskās vienošanās ir tādas, kādas tās ir. Tāpēc tagad sākt vaimanāt - likumdošana ir greiza un līgumu nosacījumi nav objektīvi vai samērīgi - un tāpēc mēs nepildīsim to, ko paši esam ar likumiem un līgumiem apstiprinājuši, tik tiešām ir slikts signāls. Tas ir slikts signāls Latvijas tiesu varas un likumdevējas varas profesionalitātei, gan uzņemoties saistības caur likumiem un līgumiem, gan tās izpildot. Lūk, par ko vajadzētu domāt.
tās starpvalstu vienošanās ar var gan pārskatīt, gan atcelt. Nupat vienpusēji līgumu ar ASV lauza Vācija, kad uzzināja, ka ASV ir izspiegojuši Vāciju un ES. Vācieši nav ne muļķi na nu kā un nebaidās lauzt līgumus ar ASV. Ko tā Vairočka domā 2003, gada saprata ko paraksta? Skaidrs, ka nē! Pajautā viņai - ne tad saprata, ne tagad ko saprot.
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1 asv uznemums kas atteicas nodot k
The email service reportedly used by surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden abruptly shut down on Thursday after its owner cryptically announced his refusal to become "complicit in crimes against the American people." Lavabit, an email service that boasted of its security features and claimed 350,000 customers, is no more, apparently after rejecting a court order for cooperation with the US government to participate in surveillance on its customers. It is the first such company known to have shuttered rather than comply with government surveillance. "I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit in crimes against the American people or walk away from nearly ten years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit," founder Ladar Levison wrote on the company's website, reported by Xeni Jardin the popular news site Boing Boing. Levison said government-imposed restrictions prevented him from explaining what exactly led to his company's crisis point. "I feel you deserve to know what's going on – the first amendment is supposed to guarantee me the freedom to speak out in situations like this," Levison wrote. "Unfortunately, Congress has passed laws that say otherwise. As things currently stand, I cannot share my experiences over the last six weeks, even though I have twice made the appropriate requests." Privacy advocates called the move unprecedented. "I am unaware of any situation in which a service provider chose to shut down rather than comply with a court order they felt violated the Constitution," said Kurt Opsahl, a lawyer with the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Silent Circle, another provider of secure online services, announced on Thursday night that it would scrap its own encrypted email offering, Silent Mail. In a blogpost the company said that although it had not received any government orders to hand over information, "the writing is on the wall". Several technology companies that participate in the National Security Agency's surveillance dragnets have filed legal requests to lift the secrecy restrictions that prevent them from explaining to their customers precisely what it is that they provide to the powerful intelligence service – either wittingly or due to a court order. Yahoo has sued for the disclosure of some of those court orders. The presiding judge of the secret court that issues such orders, known as the Fisa court, has indicated to the Justice Department that he expects declassification in the Yahoo case. The department agreed last week to a review that will last into September about the issues surrounding the release of that information. There are few internet and telecommunications companies known to have refused compliance with the NSA for its bulk surveillance efforts, which the NSA and the Obama administration assert are vital to protect Americans. One of them is Qwest Communications, whose former CEO Joseph Nacchio – convicted of insider trading – alleged that the government rejected it for lucrative contracts after Qwest became a rare holdout for post-9/11 surveillance. "Without the companies' participation," former NSA codebreaker William Binney recently told the Guardian, "it would reduce the collection capability of the NSA significantly." Snowden was allegedly a Lavabit customer. A Lavabit email address believed to come from Snowden invited reporters to a press conference at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport in mid-July. While Levinson did not say much about the shuttering of his company – he notably did not refer to the NSA, for instance – he did say he intended to mount a legal challenge. "We've already started preparing the paperwork needed to continue to fight for the Constitution in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals," Levinson wrote. "A favorable decision would allow me resurrect Lavabit as an American company." He continued: "This experience has taught me one very important lesson: without congressional action or a strong judicial precedent, I would strongly recommend against anyone trusting their private data to a company with physical ties to the United States." Opsahl noted that the fact that Levinson was appealing a case before the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals indicated the government had a court order for Lavabit's data. "It's taking a very bold stand, one that I'm sure will have financial ramifications," Opsahl said. "There should be more transparency around this. There's probably no harm to the national security of the United States to have it publicly revealed what are the legal issues here," Opsahl continued. Email service Lavabit abruptly shut down citing government interference Founder of service reportedly used by Edward Snowden said he would not be complicit in 'crimes against the American people' The justice department said it had no comment to make. Representatives from the NSA, White House and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence did not immediately reply to a request for comment.
neuzticat savus datus asv
,,I would strongly recommend against anyone trusting their private data to a company with physical ties to the United States.,, Sincerely, Ladar Levison Owner and Operator, Lavabit LLC


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