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Ceturtdiena, 24. oktobris
Renāte, Modrīte, Mudrīte

WikiLeaks: ASV diplomāti aicinājumus izmeklēt Parex bankas darbību dēvē par politisku teātri

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WikiLeaks cieniigi fakti, ja nopubliceetu izveerstu aprakstu ar dokumentiem !!! Why do the state authorities of Great Britain believe that homosexual males, drug addicts or bigots will be able to do anything they please to Eastern European youths, who have just reached maturity and the Police will not react to the applications??? At Crawley based company LSG Skychefs (Single Resource), at a certain period of time consisting exclusively of homosexual males, children from Eastern Europe, who have not even reached the age of maturity, were hired and the homosexual males, instead of providing employment services, tormented the youths, using even psychological warfare in cases of disobedience. At the house of homosexual males and lesbians Crawley, Northgate Rd. Emergency medical crew was not summoned for a heterosexual woman, who was lying unconscious after a fall. A homosexual male considered himself to be competent enough to provide emergency healthcare. The woman did not know that she was living in such a house and no one had informed her. The woman does not remember anything in the time period between the fall and flight back to her home country, when her memory returned. At Crawley, Southgate, 14 Chandler Close, in a house offered for lease by homosexual males, a mother from Eastern Europe had to watch as a male attempted to commence talks of intimate nature with her son in the presence of the mother of the child. At the same house, the landlord requested a married couple from Eastern Europe, who have been married for 25 years, to live in separate rooms instead of having a common bedroom. Meanwhile the woman, who had arrived together with the landlord, attempted to physically assault the woman from Eastern Europe, who refused to accept the insane request. Her Eastern European husband on the same day took a decision to leave the house of insanity, which almost resulted in the landlord being reduced to tears. At the company DocuLand in London, which is the second workplace of a certain bank employee, a young man from Eastern Europe was held in conditions close to being a hostage. The youth was already in need of psychiatric care, as he had to deal with the immediate superior, who deliberately tormented the youth, instead of having normal work relations. The young man only has direct contact with his superior, as there are no other employees in the company, he lives in an apartment belonging to his superior and may not disclose the address of that apartment not even to his mother, who also lives in London. The Chinese bank and other customers should be informed about the deceitful nature of the marketing employed by the manager of DucuLand, prior to concluding any agreements with such company. Contrary to the practices employed throughout the civilized world, the houses in this country that are offered for lease by homosexual males and lesbians are not marked. Meanwhile, the legislation of the Eastern Europe provided for incarceration of homosexual males in recent past. Should not the state authorities of Great Britain openly announce that in our country a homosexual male, drug addict or bigot with a British passport shall be permitted to do anything they please to other humans, if they hold Eastern European passports?
vietā - EP deputāts! Tiešām TIKAI Latvijā lielie zagļi tiek godāti TIK lielā mērā! PRETĪGI !
Un no lieliem augstumiem izskan paarmetumi mums 'zaalju sakniiteem', ka esam nelojaali pret valsti domaadami un runaadami, ka pie shprices Latvijaa ir vieni vieniigi zaglji. Laimiigaa kaartaa muusu nojausmaam un noveerojumiem piekriit arii ASV veestnieciibas izluukojoshais personaals.
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Nu ko vēl KGB informators varētu darīt ,čakarēt savējos par prieku "apspiestajai un pazemotajai nācijai". Kura gan atšauj visus kas viņiem liekas nepareizi!! Jo viņi taču ir īpaši un neaizskarami!
ASV nevelas, lai Latvijas valsts izlaupitaji zidi Krasovickis un Kargins tiktu tiesati.
Un ka tad būs ar valsts hipotēku un zemes banku- vajag skaidru un saprotamu Dombrovska, Brigmaņa , Šlesera, Zatlera un Urbanoviča iepriekšējo nodomu atspoguļojumu un nākotnes vīziju.
Ko gan citu,ja ne 20 g.leļļu teātri var sagaidit no šī debīlisma bezjēgā ar boļševiku pilnīgi sagrauto morālo pamatvērtību sajēgu iedzītā lumpeņa elektorāta savēlētajiem kriminālajiem "tautas kalpiem".Nu jau pa 20 g. aunu bars ir stabīli pierādijis savu hronisko impotenci spējā izfiltrēt morālos kropļus no vienkārši normāliem indivīdiem.Tak te var pārvēlēt kaut vai ik pēc MĒNEŠA,tā vai tā paliksim par apsmieklu pasaulei komplektā ar boļševiku 1940.g. iesākto iznīkšanas nolemtību. Nu jau nūģi līdz nelabumam davēlējušies drīz vien izmantos vēl vienu unikālu iespēju izcept nākošo,moš pēdējo cēlienu pirms strauji tuvojošā HAPPY ENDa. Tad varēs kopā ar brāļu tautām vēlēt gan medzvedjevus gan putinus gan saulvežus&kangarus.
"Rezultātā daži politiķi vēlas, lai Latvijas valdība neatzītu šos zaudējumus. Turklāt saistībā ar kriminālizmeklēšanu par Parex bankas pārņemšanu daži politiķi raizējas, ka būtisku zaudējumu atzīšana palielinātu personiska nosodījuma risku". Te tad īsi un skaidri pateikta būtība. Un MĒS šos politiķus zinām.
' ... saistiba ar kriminalizmeklesanu, par Parex bankas parnemsanu ,dazi politiki raizejas, ka butisku zaudejumu atzisana palielinatu personiska nosodijuma risku ...' - ' Melngailis atzina ... bet viniem nav cita izvele ka slept 'melno caurumu ' ... ... Ak, Dievs, CIK ATKLATI UN DROSI !!!! ... Tamdel jau nav nekads parsteigums, ka Saeimas Parex izmeklesanas komiteja kluse un nenodod lietu talak Satversmes tiesai un Generalprokuraturai ...!!! ... Vai kadam vel ir jautajums par kuram partijam velet !!! ... Man nav; un tas ir tikai divas VL! un ZRP !!!
Vispār ziņojumā runa par laika posmu, kad Latvijā jau nedalīti valdīja Vienotība, galvenais aktieris šajā kumēdiņā kā reizi ir tā laika Vienotības virsšamanis marsiešu einārs. Visi pārējie sazvērnieki joprojām atrodas savos krēslos (izņemot melngaili) un ciešā sasaistē ar partiju, par kuru tu tik kaislīgi vēlies balsot. Klaunus no ZRP es pat negrasos ņemt vērā, kam interesē no Vienotības atšņākti atkritumi.
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Bomzis Vamzis
Visa Latvijas t.s. krīze jeb Parex ir dažu politiķu roku darbs - kuram debilajam tas gan nav skaidrs? 1 miljards latu tika nozagts.
Kamēr Godmaņ-papus nesēdēs cietumā, tikmēr Latvija neatdzims. Pagaidīsim, kad viņam beigsies tas EP termiņš, un tad, ierosinu viņu ņemt pie dziesmas. Joki jokiem, bet pamats tam ir nopietns.
Skat-neviens gjeenijs veel nav iebraucis, kas notika.......gaidaam - tuuliit saksies komentaaru guuzma :)


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