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Daļēji saulains
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Daļēji saulains
Piektdiena, 25. oktobris
Beāte, Beatrise

Polijas izmeklētājiem nav ziņu, ka prezidenta lidmašīnas pilotam pavēlēts nolaisties miglā

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|Ir daudz vesturisku piemēru, cik briesmīgas var būt sekas tam, ko padkrievi & krievi prot. Vēl briesmīgākas sekas tam, ko neprot, -- kad padkrievi neprata izgudrot un ražot izturīgas pistoles, PSR no tolaik draudzīgās nacistiskās Vācijas iepirka 7,65 mm Valter pistoles, to dēļ > 50 gadus tika mēģināts iestāstīt visai pasaulei, ka Katiņas slaktiņš nav padkrievu noziegums. Kad sarkanarmieši neprata uzvesties ieņemtajās Vācijas teritorijās, viņi izvaroja meitenes un sievietes, -- spilgtākā liecība 30 000 pašnāvnieču. Un nu Krievijas krievu neprasme lietot starptautiskās gaisa satiksmes -- angļu -- valodu, nogalina visu Polijas tagadējo eliti... Nav šausmīgāka ieroča par neprasmīgu, neaudzinātu un neizglītotu Krievijas pārstāvi. Toties -- labs masveida slaktēšanas līdzeklis.
....... krievu specdienesti dažkārt izmanto ekstrasensoras metodes.....
"It feels like God gave me another chance to live," he said. But he had unanswered questions. "I was already in the Katyn forest when the plane crashed, and the visibility was perfect, the sun was shining. So why didn't they let them land?" he asked.''//// Katiņas mežs nav Smoļenskas lidlauks, tur ir 25 km attālums.
it’s quite telling how after I have simply posted info about the fact of how OMON quickly cordoned-off the crash site and barred the Polish journalists from entry (and yet the Russian TV crews were let in, and they made and broadcast all the first footage), even before the Polish journalists told how they have been very insensitively “and even brutally” handled by them and even one having been literally chased by some to have a gun pointed to his head, only to be told straight-in-my face “There is no OMON anywher in the vicinity” by one idiot (an idiotic senseless denial, I don’t even know why, maybe because they always lie weven when don’t have to), some total gibbersih from another, and then to be called “Dr Goebbels” for this by the third one (the sam eone who had first reacted here with “:-)” to the first news of the crash, when I wrote that nobody survived). Btw, just about week ago the Russian officials defending the Russian state in the ECHR Katyn denial of justice case actually said there’s no proof the victims have been really executed. (With such absurd approach no wonder they have lost practically every North Caucacus case decided so far.) (C)
it was an incident! Just like apartment bombings in 1999 which lead to war in Chechnia and Putin to power. It was an incident! Just like firing to school in Beslan from tank instead of negotiating. It was an incident no doubt. Just like dying of hostages in theatre in Moscow. It the same kind of incidence when ALL “terrorists” in Russia are killed instead of bringing at least someone to justice. It is mysterious incidence just like denying any foreign help when Kursk submarine sunk and every member of its crew died there but not instantly, no, but slowly, leaving messages to their relatives, waiting for help. Incident like killing of Politkovskaya on Putin’s birthday. Incident like poisoning of Litvinenko in London. This is “isolated incident” like Yukos “case”. 56 man and women from Yukos are part of organised group according to honest russian court. This is an incident like death of Chichvarkinn mother one year after he went into exile. This is an incident like death of Gutseriev son several days before he went into hiding in London. This is simply a tragic incident like Aleksanian, best foreign Harvard student (voted in Harvard) of law getting AIDS in prison after “medical examination of blood samples” in Moscow “prison” (GULAG). Incidents happen everywhere. Only in Russia they happen 10 times more often. And usually it involves something which can be put in a wrap and written on it “Present to Vladimir Putin from KGB comrades.” (C)
spoks laikam neko nav dzirdējis par CAT IIIC... bet izteikties gribās, vai ne?
izbijis valsts patriots
šei neder līmenis Viena tante teica. Vai nu izmeklētājam ir vai nav faktu. Pat Dievs reiz kļūdījās uzsūtīdams pasaulei Grēka plūdus,jo vēlāk nācās konstatēt cik tie ier bezjēdzīgi.Domāju ka šoreiz tieši pilotu riskas bija pārlieku liels.
Neviens lidlauks pasaulē Tev negarantē nosēšanos miglā. Daži tik tai palīdz vairāk kā citi un arī to pasaulē būs tik kādsa ducis. Viss atkarājās cik bieza ir migla un cik intensīvas 'approach un runway lights'. Neaizmirsti ka pieskaroties skrejceļam tā ir vēl virs 100 jūdzēm stundā un jāredz kur braukt.
Un kas izdomaja izveleties sho nepiemeroto lidlauku? Ar to ir jasak. Ne jau dispetchers.
Un vēl ir jautājums - kādā valodā brīdināja? Klīst runas, ka pilotam ar krievu valodu tā pašvakāk bijis, savukārt dispečeriem ar angļu valodu pavisam švaki.
Krievu mēdijos ziņa - Smoļenskas lidlauks nav aprīkots ar ierīcēm, kuras garantē nosēšanos miglā - prātam neaptverami....
mourning in latvia? thank you friends
mīļais Dievs !
Tev svarīgākais, bet ekipāžai svarīgākais bija MIGLA, ko bez dispečeru brīdināšanas - neticēsi laikam - var redzēt piloti paši.
mīļais Dievs !
Salonā notikušas sarunas jau nav kas atstāsta ! Pilnīgi pietiek paskatīties POĻU video - kā tā nabaga lidmašīna mocījusies virs lidlauka, lai saprastu, ka NEVIENS PILOTS SAVĀ PRĀTĀ tā sēdies nebūtu.
guardian co uk
''But many Poles are already sceptical about the official version of events. Arkadiusz Mularczyk, an MP for the Kaczynski's Law and Justice party, was one of several politicians who failed to get a seat on the plane. He travelled to Smolensk by train instead. "It feels like God gave me another chance to live," he said. But he had unanswered questions. "I was already in the Katyn forest when the plane crashed, and the visibility was perfect, the sun was shining. So why didn't they let them land?" he asked.''


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