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Rīgā +13 °C
Daļēji apmācies
Otrdiena, 22. oktobris
Irīda, Īrisa, Airisa

Tūkstošiem ES ierēdņu pelna vairāk par Vācijas kancleri Angelu Merkeli

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Mareks Kovalevskis
Cienījamā Diena un daži komentētāji Lūdzu, pirms citreiz pārpublicēt populāru dezinformāciju, noskaidrojiet patiesos faktus. Laikrakstam Die Welt jau ir nosūtīta šāda atbilde. Atvainojos, ka angļu valodā, bet ar to mūsdienās nevajadzētu būt problēmām. Once more: Die Welt compares apples and pears Die Welt makes a comparison where the desired impact (4,000 officials earn more than Merkel) regrettably replaces the accuracy which is required for such an exercise. The table compares: - monthly gross salaries, excluding allowances, of unmarried German politicians and officials, employed in Germany, without children, without taking into account seniority steps or bonuses for officials, and compares it with: - monthly gross salaries, including allowances, of married EU staff, working abroad, with one child in the highest possible grade and seniority step. The comparison does not take into account: 13th month’ salaries (“Christmas money”) paid in the German civil service; Pension contributions of 11.6% paid by EU staff compared to 0% paid by German officials; allowances like family allowances or “Ortszuschläge” paid in Germany; income of state secretaries/ministers from being a member of parliament at the same time; seniority steps or performance bonuses in the German civil service; the additional cost caused by an expatriation situation covered by allowances paid to EU staff (which are also covered for national German officials working abroad); the fact that many officials in the high grades were recruited before the 2004 reform so that they get in fact a lower salary than the one corresponding to the grade (transitional reduction factor linked to the reform). The German chancellor's salary is around €17,000 plus a reduced MP salary of around €4,000, making €21,000/month – higher than any EU official. Throw in basic allowances (€1,000 as Chancellor, €3,000 as MP) and this rises to around €25,000/month – still higher than any EU official with all available allowances. MEP Grässle also refers to the EU tax regime. The marginal tax rate is 45% for the top earnings. Unsurprisingly, she 'forgets' to mention that the EU tax system does not allow the tax deductions which would be available if a German EU official in Belgium paid German or Belgian income tax. She also 'forgets' to mention that EU officials pay a pension contribution of 11.6% whereas German officials pays 0%. To say that the EU civil service is the best paid civil service in Europe is also not correct. The EU salary grid is broadly in line with the salary grids of other international organisations and diplomatic services from high-wage countries - and in fact is often lower, particularly at the lower and higher ends of the salary scale. The Commission's austerity and reform proposal of December 2011 (currently with the Council) proposes more salary cuts, including a -18% cut for starting salaries and -45% cut for end of career salaries for secretarial and clerical staff, and a -26% cut for end of career salaries for most Assistants. Administrators saw their starting salary cut by -20% during the 2004 austerity and reform package, leading to real difficulties in attracting cnadidates from rich Member States ever since. Many national diplomatic services, other international organisations in Europe and in some cases even national civil services have comparable and even higher pay and benefit packages. It is interesting to note that Member States have refused point blank to share information about the pay and benefit packages for national diplomatic services in Brussels with the EU institutions. In some recent cases, national diplomats preferred employment in the national service to the EU service for financial reasons. In a few cases, EU staff left to take up better paid positions in other international organisations.
Paldies par izsmeļošu informāciju! Lūk, žurnālistiem vajadzētu būt spējai izvērtēt dažādus informācijas avotus un skatījumus un rezultātā pasniegt objektīvu, skaidru info.
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Viņi arī nodokļus nemaksā. Tas ka daudz pelna - tā jau ir pusbēda. Bet kad visiem ir jāmaksā nodokļi, bet kaut kādai sīkai daļai nav.. nu tad ir bezgala grūti šādu sistēmu nosaukt par vietu kur viena taisnība, viens likums visiem. Nē.. mums jādzīvo pēc vieniem likumiem, bet šiem redz ir citi likumi. Un mums vēl jāuzskata, ka tie likumi ko šiem mums uzspiež ir taisnīgi.. haha.. ja nav taisnīgs pats pamatu pamats, ka likumiem ir jābūt vienādiem priekš visiem!!
"Viņi arī nodokļus nemaksā" izklausās sagramstīts no kaut kādām " viena tante teica" informācijas druskām, bet pasniegts kā konkrēts fakts... Viņi maksā ES nodokli, un iemesls tam ir gluži vienkāršs - viņu algas tiek maksātas no ES kopējā budžeta. Un nevis no kādas ES dalībvalsts budžeta. Tādēļ arī netiek maksāts nevienas konkrētas valsts ienākumu nodoklis. Redzu tikai elementāru loģiku.
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Dombrovskim alga daudz mazāka kā Eiropas pārējiem vadītājiem, īstenībā Latvijas premjeram vajadzētu saņemt vairāk, vismaz 4000, jo arī šeit valdēs un uzņēmumos saņem vairāk par 1900, tajā pašā dzelzceļā 4000 tūkstoši, lAtvenergo desmitos tūkstošu, utt.
Deutschland uber alles
Un cik sanem ANO un NATO darbinieki? Tikpat. Cik sanem ES (ari Latvijas) parstavji Brisele? Tikpat. Cik sanem LV pilnvarnieki valsts uznemumu valdes? Tikpat. Vai viniem visiem var maksat mazak? Var, bet ar atbilstosam sekam...
a kas? "augsta līmeņa profesionāļi" :))
Tas liecina par to, ka daudzu valstu vadītāji nespēj vai neprot sakārtot algas sistēmu. Tas pats ir Latvijā, kad kaut kādiem valdes locekļiem, ka LDz Uģim Magonim maksā pat 8500 Ls, kas izsauca tautas nemierus un pat tauta bija gatava gāzt .... . Rezultātā alga samazināta līdz 4900 Ls, kas arī nav samērīgs atalgojums pie šādas nemākulīgas uzņēmuma vadīšanas.
Bet- ES birokrātija tiešām pelnījusi tik labu darba samaksu? Uzskatu, vadoties pēc LV likteņa ES, ka tiem liekēžiem tik liels piķis nepienākas nekādā gadījumā!
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