Laika ziņas
Svētdiena, 27. oktobris
Lilita, Irita, Ita

Moscow's Man at NATO Redefines the Meaning of Diplomacy

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Greenery to Cirks
thats cuz it is, If you are truly intreseted, you will find the answer
but what does the US do? they purchase patents to develop biofuels and solar energy and just sit on them, they never see daylight. ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ How do you know that this is true ?
The US has had 35 years to develop alternatives to petroleum based fuels but what does the US do? they purchase patents to develop biofuels and solar energy and just sit on them, they never see daylight. So now we have an energy crisis deja vous 1972. the Bush Doctrine gives the US the right everybody and anybody they see fit, I am waiting to see what they will do with 180 million Pakistani "militant extremists" Somebody truly WANTS wars
'... inviolability of borders ...' !!!! ... Practice what you preach !!! How about the illegal annexation of Latvia's ABRENE townships (as well as other slivers of territory) against the very wishes of even then,1945, local communist reps), by illegal population deportations and settlement by russions under occupation, and presently, by pressured government individuals, who voted on a kept secret agreementa against the wishes of the people, that also were sold out against their Constitutional rights to decide territorial change! All this abrogating the 1922 Peace treaty which demarcated on maps the defined territoriesof Latvia and USSR forever, and that was co-signed by legal representatives of the two contemporary countries ...
"when diplomacy fails, soldiers take over" We fight for economic reasons. If a valid reason for war can not be found, it will be created. The Bush doctrine and globalization is light years more dangerous than the contrived threats of Islamic fundamentalism. The Islamic "radicals" are created by desperation and lack of hope, evidenced by suicide bombings. Think about it, what could possibly drive one, anyone, to blow them selves up? I think both the USA and Russia should stop being so damn greedy and stop exploiting and occupying small nations. I remember the 1972 OPEC oil embargo and it was a real dose of reality. The US had plenty of time and resources to develop solar energy, alternative fuel, etc but FAILED to do so. so now we are having wars, outright imperialism, to "maintain American way of life" a euphism for an oil dependent economy. What kind of world are we living in anyway and who runs the show?, Bush/Cheney? or are they too pawns?
The term "Russian diplomacy" is an oxymoron at best. It is best exemplified by Nikita Khrushchev banging his shoe on the table in the General Assembly at the United Nations in 1960 at one extreme, to ineptly conceived and executed 1979 invasion of Afghanistan. I wish to add, Putins Russia is represented by Anna Politkovskaya.
Riktīgs cip aģents :D
Riktīgs cip aģents :D
"the United States was behind the dismemberment of Yugoslavia, something the Europeans were dragged into supporting. The independence of Kosovo did not benefit them, but it did benefit the US which has an interest in exacerbating tensions in the region" totaly agree. Read more about this Paul Virilio "The strategy of deception" And it is really funny russia saying that westerners are hypocrites and russians are the spokesman of true. Really bullies. The best thing is to ignore them as much as possible and to strenghten our own positions, cause, arguing with an idiot will make you look like an idiot. The main draw back is that europe`s qeeping quiet not because it is smarter than russia, but because it really is a hypocrite. Any symetric replies to russian bullying will only cause agression and military problems for small countries at russia border, as russia is far more experienced in leading that kind of game rather than 'west'. By the way - the only hope is that china from the east will march into russias territory more quickly than it is doing now with its trade and craftsmen. and again right now Russia is a great buffer-zone for Europe to avoid floods of Chinese and other meganationalities into its territory - we see what is happening with Africa and Europe where there is no such a buffer zone. So it is better to wake up, there are far more greater problems at our gates than one sick&starving and thus agressive Russia bear
Laikam ir pienācis laiks attiecībās ar Krieviju pārsvarā klusēt un būvēt nopietnu pretgaisa aizsradzību ... vismaz tik ilgi, kamēr tur pie šprices "Rogozini" ...
piekriitu komentaariem - krievija spekulee ar savu neprognozeejamiibu un kopumaa tas viss ir acu aizmaaleeshana vienkaarshajai tautai. tomer tas, ka taadas lietas iespeejams teikt muusu laikaa rada izbriinu un apliecina uz cilk trausliem pamatiem mums viss ir buuveets un to, ka noteikti nekas nav pats par sevi saprotams un nemainiigs. pats bediigaakais, ka taadu politiku maacaas un pielieto arii latvieshu baalelinji. un tauta neko arii nesaka.
Laimonis Pekstiņš
A kad vispār kreivijai ir bijis savādāks piegājies ārpolitikai? varētu padomāt, ka pirms tam, viņi bija baigie kompromisu čaļi! Nu pateica ragozins šit, nu izbazūnēja krievijas TV klanāli šo tik patīkamo pūļa ausij ziņu. NU? ka minēja Ivo, naftas cena krītas un turpinās kristies, inflācija krievijā ir pietiekami liela, nauda bēg... Par kādu muskuļu audzēšanu iet runa? Vienīgias, atšķirībā no Eiropas, tie trakie ilgi nedomās un var izmest kādu miltiāru muļķību, kas sagandēs kādai valstij dzīvi. Un pats galvenais! Jo sliktāk ies krievijas ekonomikai, jo spilgtāk uzstāsies putinieši un vainos visās iedzīvotāju nelaimēs visu pasauli. Savādāk tas pūlis ar nabadzīgajiem nonesīs viņus pašus. Tas jau ir bijis. USSR! Vergu nometne, kuru neieredz visa pasaule.
Let's see how big and strong they will turn out of the exploding bubble that Russian economy is. They are facing grim years with low oil prices and no foreign investors.. I hope only this will not lead to a war. As Economist pointed out, Russia's military force is pathetic when compared to western countries, but they could cause trouble for the small ones like Georgia


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