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Rīgā +4 °C
Svētdiena, 20. oktobris
Leonīda, Leonīds

Barons kvartāls LBL turnīram piesaka Latvijas basketbola zvaigznes Valteru, Kambalu un Jahoviču

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Cap'n,How do we change sitceoy when people continue to promote the following:"Seven years I gave to the queen. And to my country. And to YOU."You were lied to. You weren't fighting for me nor anyone else within the UK, doing their average 9-5. You were fighting for the bankers, the gun runners and arms manufacturers, the oil barons and drug lords, the MI5's/CIA's/FBI's and Mossads.You were told you were fighting for us yet you weren't. Who's going to attack Britain Captain? Think about it? I'll be the thorn in your side on this article and I really don't care if it means we don't ever speak again, but who is going to invade us? Italy? Germany? France? Sweden? Spain? USA?.....No one is, well tell a lie, I have a feeling that someday the Armed Forces will be called out to enforce martial law and those whom they signed up to protect they'll be killing.If no one joined the armed forces, or the police services, what power would the NWO have then? What sway and control over the public would they have? They'd have fuck all, no more bullying, no more controlling. The people are fucking up sitceoy for one another, being the useful shills for the idiots, believing their lies and nothing more. They have forgetten how to think. They do the job. They get paid. Life continues.There are no heroes. Those coming back in body bags, driven through Wooten Bassett have given their lives for corporations and bankers and all the other controllers in life. They haven't died for me. They're murdering Afghans and Iraqis, who are defending their lands from the lands they've invaded. They're no different to the nazis who invaded Poland and Czechoslovakia, or the Russian who did the same not long after. They're an invading force and they're continuing to do the will of those who send them off to their deaths, while the MSM continues to paint them as heroes. Heroes to who Captain? Tell me who? Would they still be heroes because they're killing Britons when they're told to patrol the streets and kill terrorists/dissidents who disagree with government/EU/World government policy, that is killing those who don't want to be controlled by unelected bureaucrats, obliterating their culture and traditions?Face it Ranty, joining the army is the same as the police. You're all nothing but controlled automatons, trained to murder those whom your controllers wish to kill and the MSM promotes the propaganda that you're all fucking heroes, when you've invaded foreign lands, left children orphans and parents childless. What's it all about Captain? Time to take off the blinkers and look at reality. The British Army is as what it's always been a mercenary army for the NWO, as it carves up the world for monetary gain and world control. Nothing changes, every war was created on purpose and our armed forces are the bloodiest of the lot. There is no honour amongst our armed forces. They've killed millions in their time and will continue to do so until people say enough is enough.


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