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Trešdiena, 23. oktobris
Daina, Dainida, Dainis

LDDK: Saeima plāno uzlikt jaunus šķēršļus biznesam

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I was struck by the honesty of your psotnig
Interesting follow up contmmes I think the issue of durability will be one that will unfold over the next couple of years. A couple of other contmmes to add to the debate: - Having owned an Acer Tablet PC for a few years with a 10 inch screen I feel a smaller screen will be prohibitive to do any form of serious media creation. - the integration of the iLife tools (Garageband, iPhoto etc) for productivity, workflow and creative output is way in front (IMHO) of Audacity, Picasa etc (Simplicity of Garageband esp the most recent version 09 engages kids big time, the export / sharing features enable instant publishing / use in other iLife apps. Have tried Audacity on many occasions with kids even though the functionality is there the engagement level is minimal - Brett your comment re TCO is spot on have done similar planning. - Open Office yep OK have you tried Pages / Keynote. - Also the cost of a Macbook through the DER funding in Aust came in at just over $1000 - Not sure about last comment about Scratch instead of iMovie (different tools) iMovie 09 is pretty amazing - Cost of school site licennce for iLife and iWork is just over a couple of hundered bucks. We're still paying nearly two grand for our annual microsoft agreement. - Last comment If I were a school administrator, I would pay $800 for a machine that handles good video editing rather than the $300 one that doesn't. This is where the real / rich higher-order thinking / learning takes place where learners are mixing / creating / innovating.
Thanks for your thoughts guys. I have been lonoikg at some recent reports on netbooks in education and the results schools are having with them. Number 1 complaint is that they are not durable enough for everyday life at school. They are cheaply made and quite poorly designed.Further more from Marks comment, I have a massive issue with the way we declare slide shows being great examples of multimedia. PowerPointless and the likes are overused pieces of software that really have minimal to no educational value. When I say multimedia I mean video editing, podcasting etc etc . Let's not resource our children with cheap poorly designed second rate technology.I agree we should have labs with high end machines. But my version of high end is machines that are capable of what no laptop can do. For example my students editing in final cut pro and using programs such as motion 3D should have laptops that can do the basics of final cut and access to labs that can facilitate their work in motion or other 3D software.Yes cost and pricing are important factors but the vision should come first. Dream big first!! Problem is schools often try and do everything at once instead of having clear and concise long term planning!! Long term planning looks at issues such as the TOTAL cost of ownership over a period of time, not just the initial outlay.These devices are being peddled to schools as the cheap alternative. TCO is not being discussed as the infrastructure costs involved and lifespan of the devices are an issue.
Paldies par rakstu! Noderīgi!Par dzērieniem: vsieim ļoti garšo LB black currant ( lillā pudelē). Tas aiziet ātri.Vē ir varianst taisīt Black balsam mohito.piparmētraslaimsbalzāmsspraitsViisi sajūsmā. Par ēdienu var prezentēt arī maizes zupu. Tā arī ir rupjmaize. Ar putukrējumu. Un neviens nenobijās no apšaubāmā izskata. Un katliņš tika ātri iztukšots.Vēl arī kartupeļu pankūkas ar dzērveņu ievārījumu. )
Ja mēs neļausim darba devējiem diskriminēt pēc krievu valodas zināšanām, tad vietējiem Krievijas līdzjutējiem beidzot nāksies iemācīties valsts valodu. Ja visi to darīs reizē, tad neviens pozīciju tirgū būtiski nezaudēs. Protams, varētu būt atvieglojumi svešvalodām, kas nav krievu valoda, un tiem uzņēmumiem, kas nepārprotami strādā ar Krievijas federācijas tirgu.
Komunikāciju eksperti kā sēnes pēc lietus saradušies, galvenā raksturpazīme runāt tukšu. Arī šī jauniete to dara, smieklīga tā darba devēju pārstāvniecība.
Šķērslis latviskai Latvijai ir tas, ka darba devēji, iztopot krievu okupantiem, pieprasa no latviešiem krievu/okupantu valodas zināšanas. Latvieši, padariet neciešamu un dzīvībai bīstamu okupantu dzīvi - tikai tad okupanti, kad jutīs nāves briesmas, paši aizmuks labprātīgi no latviešu zemes. Latviešiem jādara visu, lai slāvu okupanti paši muktu prom no Latvijas.


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