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Viegls lietus
Otrdiena, 22. oktobris
Irīda, Īrisa, Airisa

Romā ar sajūsmu uzņem Ivetas Vecenānes instalāciju un Ingas Ļašenko dzintara diegu

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Mr. Peter Youngren,Christian Minister,Canadian Grace TV,World Impact Ministries,Post Office: Box 490,Niagara Falls, NewYork, New York,AMERICA 14304.Phone: +1 877 974 7223Email: Mr. Alexander Simon,Sir William Place,Suite 305C,8820 – 85 Street,Edmonton, Alberta,CANADA T6C 3C2.Dear Mr. Yongren: Regarding the Telus Sposored , “Encounter (Channel-View 158);(Mr, Peter Youngren.”The Ontario Conservative is ‘pointing;’ out; by their assuring and non-evangelical ‘pea-souper;’ nil; a, P.C. Candidate-Running for-Oval win; in; sunny Quebec; as, an National Democrat Party lindeag, the way to Global prosperity, Mr. George Lepp; sponsored; in, fame; as, per Writer magnet and ladies “choice;” for Prime Minister; (with my formal, vote-of-Confidence); Mr.Bene Diction! “New Edition of CounterPunch: Ebb-Tide for the Occupation: a Journey to Najaf with the Medhi Army by Patrick Cockburn; State Terror, Oregon Division: Killer Cops by Kristian Williams; Torture in America by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair.” Here, is an ‘interesting;’ quote from this fine;Man-In-Running; to freedom of religious persecution!!The Sunday Liturgy has meaning! A, Father, affable and highly ‘decorated;’ in, my ‘know;’ as; an; “U.S.” First-Stations; Army Pro’: in my detective mind; is, an; “premuim;” male of Ordaintion. Tell, me; why sir, Pastor of an (un-be-spoken, and; with; due; respect; a, Military male of gender, cool and assuring; must a fully Registered (Certified and Confirmed) here in Austin State to me by (Roman Catholic win through the Civil Ear of Celebration and proven in the Smithsonian Museum; every-where;), is; my, “rare-and-Sacred;” Holy Birth Certified and Holy Confirmed family blood ((Purple)); like the Heart-of-TEXAS; WIN!?; am, I subject to years … of persecution; to; ‘from, men, and, women; selling me the to be sacrilegious and against Roman Catholic Faith! According the Book of the Biblia: Gideon Edition One; British England first London printing; “The extreme bitterness of the national sufferings under the Midianite occupation breaks out in Gideon's language. The Angel's words, suitable to times of prosperity, seemed to be a mockery, when it was evident the Lord was not with them. (Compare Deuteronomy 31:17.; here; in, clear evidence; we find the meaning as stated: Hebrews and Jews of monastery must never mingle with one another; nor “marry in between the Sabbath; in; respect The Gideon is a state-hood of; a; ‘sacred;’ Union on non marry! My point is I am not Jewish nor Hebrew. Nor with respect to every enrolled; and trust my mother all patriot Roman Holy Baptized and Holy Confirmed Catholic as is my family blood; and according to the First and truly respected King James Bible of England, London; written by my family Heredity in 12:01 Anum Dommi; in February 18, at the time of 4:01 A.M.; (I; was born exactly at this time;); “Angels: The introduction of angels as the bearers of the revelationary is a standing feature. At least four types or ranks of angels are mentioned in biblical scripture: the Archangels, Angels, Cherubim[3][4][5][6][7][8][9] and the Seraphim.[10] God may give instructions through the medium of these heavenly messengers, and who act as the seer's guide. God may also personally give a revelation, as is shown in the Book of Revelation;” is a, Man made Catholic Revelation and is Written and axed in Scottish Literature of the Mason all and still today free.! “Freemasonry uses the metaphors of operative stonemasons' tools and implements, against the allegorical backdrop of the building of King Solomon's Temple,;” here; the very ‘exacting;’ and boat and early shipping Lutheran of Stuttgart landed with the new Saxon committee on removing epidemic! Within the patriotic Volume Two of the German pure Write: “The National Socialist MovementChapter III, Subjects and Citizens: The institution that is now erroneously called the State generally classifies people only into two groups: citizens and aliens. Citizens are all those who possess full civic rights, either by reason of their birth or by an act of naturalization. Aliens are those who enjoy the same rights in some other State. Between these two categories there are certain beings who resemble a sort of meteoric phenomena.” And; here;it’s Reported by the best ‘engaged;’ Lutheran and Mason alike; a; “Grand Man of Imperial Design will rule the World to Fame!Within the patriotic Volume Two of the German pure Write: “The National Socialist MovementChapter III, Subjects and Citizens: The institution that is now erroneously called the State generally classifies people only into two groups: citizens and aliens. Citizens are all those who possess full civic rights, either by reason of their birth or by an act of naturalization. Aliens are those who enjoy the same rights in some other State. Between these two categories there are certain beings who resemble a sort of meteoric phenomena.” And; here; its Reported by the best ‘engaged;’ Lutheran and Mason alike; a; “Grand Man of Imperial Design will rule the World to Fame!Please in all the Archives o f love and hate only the true Man or Woman loves Nation 1st;AND THIS IS THEIR FAMILY!As a true Patriot,Mr. Alexander Simon
Man prieks par Tevi Iveta! Lai vērtē Tavus darbus tie ,kuri tos redzējuši!
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spriezhot peec taa, cik gauzhi kulturasdienai pirksti mezhgjiijushies, pasaakumu aprakstot.
Varakļāne< svīnīgi paziņoju,ka
bankets bija ne tikai iespaidīgs , bet arī izdevies, visādu plenču, kuru uz ielām netrūkst, tur nebija, pirksti bij dekorēti gredzenos ar dzintara aci, dāmām dzintara piespraudes un citi nieciņi, dziedāja arī dziesmas, kā piemēram "Skatos tavās acīs, dzintars tajās mirdz..." Ja arī citi dzīvo kā tumsā, Raimondss jau nu zināja,ko raksta, tā kaut kā! "ekm"- tas nozīme Ezotērikas Kultūras ministrs. Lūdzu, piesakieties: varbūt plānosim izstādi, kurā galvenajā lomā būs potenciālie klienti. Interesanti, vai iespējams atklāt ko tādu, ko citi negribētu noēst, ko?
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Atvainojiet, bet.. kādi atbaidoši uzvārdi - Vecenāne un Ļašenko. Vai tad nevar senčos sameklēt kādu normālu uzvārdu, vai vismaz apprecēties? :-)
Kāpēc kaut ko tādu nepieciešams ierakstīt publiskajā telpā? Lai izdarītu spiedienu uz latvietēm Ļašenko, Abdullajevām un Abu Meri.
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to ekm
Vai kaut kas nav kārtībā ar žulti? Kuņģī par daudz skābes? Vecmeitības problēma? Kāpēc kaut ko tādu nepieciešams ierakstīt publiskajā telpā?
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Un kas tas tāds - "ekm"? Arī diez ko labi neizklausās.
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